Ch. 7 // Fear still striking.

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The sun shines lightly through the window. My eyes flutter open, eye lids still feeling heavy. I look around realizing Matt has moved over to the couch.

He actually stayed.

I smiled at the thought of him being around me and actually stayed. I've always desperately need help and someone to recover me, to pull me out from drowning in a deep depression ocean.

But I fear about what's going to happen with him sooner or later. I don't guarantee our safety.

Sighing to myself, I lay down again on the bed staring up at the ceiling. What else more interesting to stare at the moment?

I hear a faint yawn from behind my back. I turn around to see Matt leaning on the couch while rubbing his eyes. As he looks at me he gave me a soft smile, "good morning."

"good morning." I grinned. "how's your sleep?" I asked since he slept here.

"I don't know, I was quiet exhausted that I past the visiting hours." He shrugged. "didn't you have to wake me up when the visiting hour is over?"

"I did, but I feel a bit.. Uneasy? You look so tired last night, the doctor let you stay one night." I reply, rather lying because I was the one that practically begged the doctor for Matt to stay one night.

He nods understandingly. Grabbing his phone, he sat back on the couch and what it seems like he's scrolling through something on his phone.

"what time is it, Matt?" I asked.

"it's 9.37 AM." he replied.

Oh, I never knew I would woke up that little late.

Then a doctor came in with two nurses, of course Alice and another nurse that I haven't know following behind the doctor.

"good morning, miss Zoey, how are you feeling?" he asked as he settled down his stuff on the table.

"bit better, thank you." I replied.

"you must be Mr. Espinosa." The doctor said formally towards Matthew, who's sitting on the couch.

"yes, I am." Matthew nodded.

He took a step forward near my injured leg, checking on how it's healing. He opened the cast then closed it again with a new one. To be honest, I don't really understand stuff about hospital and doctors.

"you're healing well." he exclaimed, grinning. "as long as you don't move too much, you're allowed to go home earlier."

I smile and nod but deep down inside me I'm frowning. Allowed to go home earlier. I frown hearing the word home, i don't have a home. I do, but that's where my nightmare lives. So after this am I going to be abandoned in the streets, like I am mentally abandoned in this world? Should I try to commit again after this? My life is full with pain and it seems worthless to continue living. My head throbs due to the thoughts that never fails to haunt me every minute. My thoughts came to a halt when someone is knocking on the door.

It soon opens, reavealing another a nurse and two teenage girl and boy behind them, who are they?

The doctor walks towards the nurse and the door frame, murmuring some words as they both nods.

"we'll check on you later miss Zoey." the doctor said as he gathered all his stuff then nod towards Matt, as the doctor leaves the room along with the nurses.

"Carter!" Matt stood from the chair giving a friendly hug to an Asian looking guy who his name is Carter.

"did you know we got lost in this hospital?" a girl behind Carter starts talking. She was short, probably as short as I am, I assume? Her hair looks slightly black, she has a light skin-not to pale, and how she styles her outfits made her look like those rebel girl at school, with a black choker she wore, a tight black crop top and black shorts along showing her flat stomach, with dull brown cardigan and black ankle boots. Even though I'm not much of a fan of those kinds of outfits looking, she still looks beautiful as she is.

"so I told her the room might be down the hall on the lower lever." Carter said.

As the girl behind him continues, "we ended up knocking on a little kids room who fucking screamed at us."

"I told her we should get the nurse for some direction-"

"no you didn't, I did!" the girl argued.

"well practically-"

"okay, okay, guys geez, stop arguing." Matt chuckled as he walk towards me, grabbing my hand firmly. "Emma, this is Carter and Maggie his girlfriend. And you both know who she is." Matt introduced me to them.

"oh my god! You look a bit terrible, but how are you feeling?" Maggie walked towards me as she scanned my injured leg looking horrified.

"I've been feeling better, thank you." I replied, looking down to my injured leg.

"get well really soon, so maybe we can hangout anytime, right?" she grinned widely as I nervously smiled back. I'm terrible at socializing with people, what would they think about me?

"that sounds great." I said, even though I think it doesn't. I'm worried that they would critisize me. Compared to Maggie's appearance. I looked skinny, pale, I have scars, who would want with someone who's skin so ugly with scars?

"what's this?" her eyebrows knits together in confusion as she grabs my wrist which I pull away from her.

"Maggie." Matt said sternly indicating her to stop as she nods, still confused.

Oh no, what if I made more friends the more I threaten their lives? How can I hide the fact that I'm Randall Henderson's daughter? Sooner or later they'll find out eventually, and I have to swallow the bitterness of each people judgement and critisizes I earn each day if they ever find out.

No, Emma, Don't cry in front of these people, it's embarrassing.

"hey Emma, what's wrong?" Matt whispered, pulling me out from my daze. I look over to Carter and Maggie busy fooling around and kissing each other.

"I'm fine." I said convincingly.

"you're lying again." he scowl, brushing the tears on my cheek with his thumb.

Deep thoughts made me cry without realizing. Oh, I did cry.

"I'm just scared." I sighed, slumping my shoulders.

"don't be." he convinced me, as his hand reach down to mine, grazing my knuckles softly.

"so Matt are we good to go? There's a meeting about the tour today." Carter said, walking towards Matt. Once his gaze looked down to our intertwined fingers, Carter's corner lips pull up, snickering us.

Matt slapped his arm playfully, unlatching his hand from mine. "yeah, sure. Is it okay if I leave you?" Matt asked towards me.

"It's okay." I replied.

He packed all his stuff from the couch, shoving it inside his backpack. He zipped his bag closed, pulling the strap on his shoulder.

"I'll visit you again later, I promise." he smiled, surprisingly kissing the back of my hand which cause the inside of my stomach curl.

"later, Ems." Maggie waved goodbye, leaving the room with Carter trailing behind her.

"see you." Matt smiled, before shutting the door behind him.

What have I put myself into?

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