Ch. 13 // Smell of alcohol.

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Heh, this is short. I'll do another double update:)

Slipping my fingers to the back of my jeans pocket, I pull out to see a folded white paper that has a writing on it;

Meet me at the balcony at my bedroom, third floor, if you're coming to the party;)

I scrambled the paper, making sure it tore to pieces as soon as I heard stomps of footsteps coming towards me. I turned around and just what I expect to be was Matt.

"Nash and Cam is having a party tomorrow at their place. He's inviting us over, if you're fine with that." he said rather questioning.

"up to you." I replied.

"I don't want to bother you, Emma. You know I'm really fine not going there and stay with you here." he sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

But his friend would expect him to come, I can't let people thought I'm keeping Matt away or at least not being called as a needy girl. "you can go, I'll go as well if you want." I suggested.

"fine. I'll go, If you go with me." he said.

"deal." agreeing with Matt, we shook hands, both of us erupted into small laughter.

Or maybe this could be the right timing to wonder what does Cameron wants.


Speaking of partying makes me anxious. I've never socialized, and now I'm being jumped into partying. At least, I'd hope it was just a few groups of people and nothing much more.

Matt drove us to the mansion looking house, vehicles parked everywhere near the gate. It was dark out considering it's 8 PM but the house being illuminated with colorful lights that slightly dims. I showed up wearing a blue and green flannel shirt leaving it unbuttoned, revealing my white top and black shorts. I was very relieved that my scars had already faded. As soon as we enter the house, it was much one hundred and eighty degree different than what I expected. It was surprisingly crowded, unknown faces enjoying the wild moment they're having. The music blast loudly around the room, and the smell of alcohol linger around my nose. We had to squeeze through the dancing crowd to find Nash and Carter sitting on the red couch that circles around the table with groups of girls. I was Immediately feeling more anxious, these girls are wearing clothes that shows parts of skin and body shapes who can easily make boys turned on. One girl who I was familiar with, is only Maggie; Carter's girlfriend.

"dude, glad you made it." Carter gave Matt a friendly boy hug as Nash copies the same action Carter did to Matt.

"I see you bought along someone, how are you feeling?" Nash greeted me with a warm embrace which doesn't really bothers me nor Matt.

"I'm feeling well." I smiled.

"Emma, right? Here come sit with us." Maggie shift to the side, giving me a place to sit. "oh my god, how are you? Haven't seen you in weeks."

"I've been feeling better." I replied anxiously.

"so guys this is Emma." Maggie introduced me to the rest of the girls who are called; Madison, Teala, Maddy, Savannah, and Mahogany.

"so, I heard you live at the same house with Matt?" Madison asked rather rudely which sends me discomfort feeling. One was very nice to me was Mahogany.


"I insisted. In fact to keep her safe." Matt stopped me, letting himself answer Madison's curiosity.

"why though?" Teala asked curiously and that's when I feel more anxious building up inside me. It's not even the best time to discuss about this.

"Matt's just being helpful Matt, right?" Mahogany joined along the conversation, glancing at me then Matt.

"it's all on me." Matt smirked.

"so Emma, why don't you come with me and get some drinks?" Mahogany asked but before I could even responded, she dragged me from the couch to the bar. Which I assume was the kitchen.

"you're such a lifesaver." I breathed out in relief.

"Emma, I'm the only one who knows about you besides the other boys. I understand it's not the right time to let everyone or Matt's fans to know about you, it needs process." she said, comforting me.

"thank you so much." I smiled at her.

"your welcome, besides one day they'll understand and you will be accepted." she said. "I'm really sorry about them, they're always like this to new girls."

"It's fine, I'll get myself used to it." I said, chugging down the soda Mahogany gave to me.

We squeezed our way through the crowds that began to grew and finally arrived at the couch. It finally hits my brain when someone mentioned the name Cameron. Right, I was supposed to meet him just like what he wanted. My eyes wanders around the room, I wonder where Matt went. Soon I saw a glimpse of him and followed where he is. He was standing with a group of unknown people that I don't even recognize. Anxiously tapping his shoulder, he turns around facing me.

"is everything alright, Emma?" he asked.

"yeah, I'm going to the bathroom." I said.

"well I'll wait here, don't get lost." he smiled and I was finally dismissed.

After a minute or two, I finally pushed through the crowds to the stairs that leads up to the third floor. The edge of each staircase had groups of guys and girls, chatting while chugging down their drinks. Each steps up the stairs, the sound of blasting music lowers down. Once I reached the top floor - third floor, the sound of blasting music became muffled. At this place, there are probably six bedrooms, why so many though? I had to find which room belongs to Cameron. It frustrates me that I have to knock on each doors but being screamed back. Drunk teens. Finally the last room, and I highly believe that it's Cameron's, when the door was an inch opened. I pushed the door more open.

"Cameron?" I shouted.

I observed around the room, it was oddly tidy and clean. I was expecting it to be rather messy, just how usual boys would be. There's two glass doors at the other side of the room that leads to the huge balcony. Just as I was about to see if Cameron is there, the door behind me shuts, making a clicking voice. There stood Cameron, staring at me and my heart raced faster at the sight of him. Again, my breathe hitches, and I was out of air. Why is he locking the door?

"you came." he said, the corner of his big plump lips pull up into a smirk and that's when I knew, I'm in some danger trouble.


A/N: cliff hanger cause yolo. Okay i have mixed rumors that maggie and carter broke up but others said they're still dating, I'm confused. So in this story I'm just going to put them still dating together cause I don't want to mess up the story.

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