A Calm Start

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Subaru has just woken up after getting his mana drained by Beatrice.

Rem: Sister, it looks like our guest is awake.

Ram: Rem, Rem. Indeed, it seems Barasu has woken up.

Subaru: And naturally you turn my name into a curse.

Subaru sighed as he sat up.

Subaru: Good morning. Rem, Ram.

Rem & Ram: Good morning.

Subaru: Thanks for waking me up, i wonder how long it would have taken me to get up alone.

Rem: Sister, Sister. It seems our guest wouldn't have woken up if we hadn't done anything.

Ram: Rem, Rem. It apears that Barasu is a deadbeat.

Subaru: (Ram is as harsh as ever, eh?)

Subaru: By the way, what's up with this "guest" stuff? You know my name already, don't you?

Rem: Apologies, Subaru-sama.

Subaru: Please don't use "sama" I'd rather have you just call me Subaru. Actually! How about Subaru-kun?


Subaru: (Ah..I haven't heard that in sooo long....)

Before they could continue their conversation, someone knocked on the door.

Emilia: Pardon my intrusion.

It was Emilia in her casual clothes.

Emilia: Ah! Subaru, you're awake! Good morning!

Subaru: Morning, Emilia-tan!

Emilia:...Tan? Are you calling me something mean?

Rem: Sister, Sister. Subaru-kun is calling Emilia-sama names right under her nose. Shameful.

Ram: Rem, Rem. Barasu-tan should know better than to call Emilia-sama names.

Subaru: Aaaaaand my token of affection has once again been ruined.....By the way, where's Regulus?

Ram: Last time we've seen our other guest, he was busy reading a book in his room.

Subaru: Something normal huh.....Also, between us....What's your opinion on him?

Ram: Delusional, arrogant, annoying weirdo who has a fetish of making their sentences longer for no reason.

Rem: To put it in simple terms....The worst of the worst.

Emilia: H-Hey! Ram, Rem, you shouldn't talk about our guest like that, especially since he was one of my saviours.

Rem & Ram: Apologies, Emilia-sama.

Subaru: Wow, it's impressive that you can talk about a guest like that infront of someone.

Ram: Barasu requested for my honest opinion, so I simply gave my honest opinion.

Subaru: (Yikes, something must have happened between those two while i was asleep. Well, not like i'm suprised or anything.)

Ram: Also, since you've woken up. Roswaal-sama would like to meet you at lunch.

Subaru: R-Right.

Subaru got out of bed and followed the two maids and Emilia.

Subaru: (Alright! My mission right now is to make friends with everyone!)


Everyone in the mansion including Regulus and Subaru were gathered at the dining table. Although to most of the residents suprise, Regulus had requested to not be given any food or drink. The only reason he was actually here was because of the fact that there was something important to discuss with Roswaal.

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