The Defeat of the Mabeasts

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The Mabeasts that surrounded them started charging towards the group, but most of them were quickly getting killed by Ram's magic and Regulus's Authority.

But Ram's magic quickly ran out, but Subaru had hope that Regulus could help them beat the Mabeasts.


Well, he was doing that, but he was only attacking the Mabeasts that were attacking him, and since Ram couldn't use her magic anymore Subaru was forced to pick her up and run as quickly as he could.

Subaru: God dammit Regulus!

Regulus: It's Regulus-senpai for you!

Subaru: Just please attack the Mabeasts that are trying to eat us right now!!

Regulus then stopped his onslaught on the Mabeasts that were attacking him and he turned around to face Subaru, like there weren't hundreds of Mabeasts currently surrounding them.

Regulus: Hah? Did you just order me to attack the Mabeasts that you're currently meant to be dealing with? Why should I do that? Why can't you do it?

Subaru: Because i'm obviously not strong enough to beat them on my own!

Subaru said that as some Mabeasts are still chasing him, the only reason he hadn't ran off is for the small chance that Regulus might actually help him.

Regulus: Then why did you even come here? You said that you would help rescue that blue haired maid, and yet you both are currently nothing but burdens to me!

But as Subaru was about to shout something back, something flew from the bushes and killed all the Mabeasts that were currently following Subaru.

When Subaru looked back, he saw the bloody corpses of the Mabeasts, but more importantly the weapon which was used to kill those Mabeasts.

A Morningstar.

Subaru: Rem?

Subaru looked at the approaching figure and saw Rem with her horn out, and she was clearly enraged, so much in fact that she can't control herself.

Regulus looked at Rem with amusement and confusion on his face, after all he didn't know that Rem wasn't human.

But that is when Subaru realized something, he just created a situation where Regulus is currently in the same area as Rem is when she can't control herself. In other words, if Rem attacks Regulus, it's game over, Regulus will most likely kill Rem for attacking him, just like in the last loop.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) Subaru still had a more intense witch scent than Regulus, so both the Mabeasts and Rem's attention would be on him.

Subaru didn't want for Rem to attack him though, luckily for him, the Mabeasts were inbetween Rem and Subaru, so if Rem wanted to attack Subaru, she'd have to fight the Mabeasts first.

As Subaru continued to run around he took a mental note of the fact that the more he ran around, the more the ground felt.....flatter?

Subaru was confused, why did the ground feel so flat? It's almost like he's walking on a floor in a house.

But he finally noticed the reason that the ground was so flat.


Through Regulus's casual assault on the Mabeasts. The ground has been not only flattened, but also has been colored into a deep red crimson.

Everywhere Subaru looked there was blood, blood, blood, blood and blood everywhere. He was quite suprised that he hadn't puked yet at the sight.

What made him more disturbed was Regulus's calm attitude. At most there's slight irritation on his face.

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