Werther's Caramel

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Winston Duke x Black PlusSized Reader

Intercom speakers, commercials from televisions, and blended conversations fought against one another for dominance. Hundreds of tiny wheels moved in a non-synced dance, following behind their owners. Keeping up as best they can as if they were small children with a long legged guardian. The hustle and hassle of the airport was busier this evening than anyone had expected. A small crowd of people were stationed near your designated area, waiting to board the plane that would take them to the peaceful destination of their choice.

An airpod rested in your ear as you waited for your turn to get onto the large aircraft. The soft voice of Sza waltzing through your ear canal. Wiggling your toes against your slides, you could faintly see the white polish they held from the thin fabric of your neon purple socks. "Have a great flight." An attendant spoke out to no one in particular, more likely saying it because it was her job. You flashed a small smile as you walked through the single door and behind the people in line ahead of you.

Aside from accidentally being shoulder checked with someones bag as you passed, it was a smooth transition to your seat. You sat in the window seat, opening the small cover to see the lot of the airport. A few workers moved about quickly as they did they're jobs. Taking a deep breath you relaxed against the seat and smiled. You deserved a break, and you didn't mind having to take it alone. Movement to your eyes brought your attention to your seat mate, you assumed before he confirmed it by putting his carry-on over head. He stood tall, with broad shoulders and toned arms that matched his physique really well. His eyes never met yours but you didn't mind the extra moments to admire him.

Dark gray Nike shorts covered his equally toned thighs. He didn't miss a leg day, you were certain. His matching sweatshirt hid the thin chain he wore around his neck but you could definitely make it out from the light hitting it when he moved around. Once he took a seat and adjusted with the little leg space granted  to him, he happened to look over to you. He smiled and your heart skipped a beat. A small gap caught your eye. "Hi, how are you? I'm Winston." His voice sent a tingle over your body as you replied politely with your name.

Nothing more was said once he nodded at your response and you went back to your window view. You moved your focus to turning you phone to airplane mode, happy when a third person didn't come to separate you and the handsome giant. Flight attendants began to head towards the front for their usual instructions and you half listened to their words. Having heard them a few times before.

Though you were relaxed and comfortable with the flight experience, not everyone was as experienced. You looked over at the tense male beside you, seeing him take deep breaths as the flight attendants continued their live action tutorial. He rested against the cushioned seat with a grip to the arm rests on either side of him. A small smile caught your lips before you knew it. First time flyer.

You went into your fanny pack, searching for the golden wrappers that always had a home in your purse. "Want a caramel?" Your voice was soft and easing, catching his attention despite the distraction up front. He looked to the candy in your hand before he looked back at you. "It'll help you relax a bit. You look a little stressed."

Contemplating a moment more, he accepted the offering and watched you pop one in your mouth before following your action. "Thanks." He enjoyed the candy before he gave a nervous chuckle. "It's that obvious, huh.."

You gave a soft laugh, nodding. "Yeah. With the death grip you have on those poor armrests.." Turning your body towards him as well as you could, you gave him a genuine smile. "I was the same way my first trip, and I was solo. These bad boys helped a little along with the grip I had on the armrests."

"Ok.." He chuckled a little, loosening his grip on them. "I guess I didn't realize how much I'm afraid of heights." You could still see a little uneasiness in his posture so you became the support you'd wanted in your nervous moment. Holding out a hand, you offered your support.

"If anybody asks I'll tell them I'm a little nervous." You winked, teasing. He laughed at that as he accepted your hand. A small squeeze to his hand made him relax more with a slow breath. "There you go."

He spoke you name after a small moment of silence between you both. You acknowledged him with a friendly, "Yes?". "Do you mind if I have another one of those caramels?"

Laughing, you took out two and handed them to him. "I told you they'd help."

Your daughter let out a laugh, stopping her current task of stirring the noodles. "Mama, there ain't no way daddy was scared of flying." She sigh happily, shaking her head. "All we do is travel now."

You grinned. "I got him into it, hunny. We decided to spend that trip together since we were both alone. Going to restaurants and tours together.." The memories of the trip flashed through your mind in pieces. "He took me back there to propose a year later, actually. We got married once we came back and brought two beautiful children into the world, you and your brother."

"Awww. How come you've never told me this story before? I just figured you liked the candy a lot." She smiled. Her focus going back to the food.

"I do. They're my favorite." You laughed, moving about the kitchen with ease. "I just happened to bag you father with them." Winking, you both giggled at the fact.

"What y'all in here gossiping about?" Winston entered into the room, kissing your daughters forehead before he came to you. Slipping his hands around your waist, he smiled.

"Nothing, just telling her a story from the past.. You want a caramel?" You held up the gold wrapper from your apron pocket. He smiled, accepting the candy with a smile. Pecking your cheek as he thanked you and went back to check on your son. You and your daughter looked to each other once he left the room before laughing loudly.

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