Pastor Duke

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Winston Duke x Black PlusSized Reader

In an AU where he's a Pastor with a crush.

The rows of church pews began to filter out, all the attendees leaving to go to their homes. Arrays of colorful dresses and dark suits. Musicians played a soothing song as everyone left, and small children began their dashing through the aisles that had emptied.

You smoothed your hands over your dress as you made your way out of the lobby of the large church, smiling as you spoke with a elder women of the church. And aunt to the pastor. She complimented your appearance as she did every Sunday, hinting around as she said 'you know, you'd be a beautiful first lady'. Your son stood by your side, snickering every time she'd say it. And you'd give the twenty two year old a playful glare before he coughed to cover the chuckle.

Talks with her were amusing, but you couldn't help the small sigh of relief when she walked away. That woman could carry on a conversation forever. "Why don't you just give Pastor Duke a chance, ma? He aight.." You looked to your son as he shrugged. "And I can tell he likes you too."

"Too?" You chuckled, slowing to a stop on the sidewalk. Waving at a few people who said their goodbyes as they passed you. "What makes you think I like the pastor, Shawn? Or that he likes me?" Crossing your arms, you lifted an amused eyebrow. He smirks, giving another shrug as he slipped a hand in his khaki pockets. You straightened the collar of his button up as he spoke.

"Its kinda obvious, mama. Your voice gets all sweet and you look up at him all shy when y'all talk.." He chuckled as you gave a playful eye roll. "And he gives you that look that I give Monae. Like he's staring at the most beautiful woman he's ever seen." You smiled at that, wondering how you never noticed. Pastor Duke really looked at you like that?

You suddenly furrowed your arched eyebrows, tilting your head at Shawn. "Monae? Is this that girl you got your nose wide open for? Every time you come visit, you make up an excuse on why she can't come with you.." Shawn chuckled at your questions.

"Mama, this ain't about me and Nae. You'll meet her tonight.." He assured with a charming smile. That smile had gotten him out of trouble as a child. "This is about you and your love life."

You laughed aloud at that, holding hand to your chest as you beamed. "What's wrong with my love life? I'm perfectly fine focusing on me, myself, and I." Though you wouldn't mind intimacy here and there.

"Suree you are, ma.. Looks like your boyfriend done spotted you." Shawn motioned behind you and you turned to look. Seeing that Pastor Duke was waving with a smile. You returned a wave and a smile when he moved to come towards you. "I knew you liked him."

You laughed, nudging him softly. "Boy, go get the car." He laughed, replying a yes ma'am before he jogged off to the parking lot. You turned back to the approaching reverend, meeting his friendly greeting.

"I'm fine, Pastor Duke. How are you?" You spoke. Trying not to roll your eyes as you noticed the softness of your voice. Shawn was right. "I was just speaking with your aunt Melanie about you."

"She didn't talk your ear off, did she?" He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "She's quite a conversationalist." You laughed a bit more than you should have because he was right. Mumbling an apology as his smile widened.

You didn't realize how much he adored your laugh.

"No need to apologize. I know how she can be.." He confessed. "She has really taken a liking to you." As did he, and he hoped that she hadn't revealed his confession of it to you. You sighed happily, smoothing your free hand over your dress again.

"I've noticed that. I get a compliment every Sunday, but who wouldn't like hearing how pretty they are every so often. Right?" You grinned, looking away from his gaze. Afraid you'd notice that look in his eyes to prove Shawn right.

"Well, that you are, love. A woman with your beauty should be cherished." He'd meant that and wished to be the one to cherish you. "Blessed with the beauty of the rarest ruby and a heart of an angel." You always reminded him of Proverbs 3:15 'She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her'.

And that's when you noticed it. That longing, lustful stare.

You stared at him for a moment, mumbling a thank you as he grinned. Replying to you that it was no reason to thank him for stating the truth. He stepped a bit closer as he spoke, smiling with a chuckle as he told you that you could call him Winston.

"You ready, mama?" Shawn's voice broke the trance between you and Winston. You both looked to him as he stood at the passenger door. Him greeting Winston with a respectful 'How you doin, Pastor Duke'. Stepping back a bit, you cleared your throat before meeting Winston's gaze again. He still held a faint smile.

"Well, I'm uh.. I'm planning on having a nice little dinner today, though it's only me, Shawn, and his girlfriend. You're more than welcomed to join.." You gave him a shy smile. Holding your purse against the front of you with both hands to calm your nerves. "Only if you'd like.."

His gaze rested on your face, admiring the sun kissing your glistening skin. Your lengthy lashes gave slow flutters with each blink. The bright colored dress you wore accented the matching polish on your nails, and went well with the pinned up style of your dark coils. He smirked, licking his lips as he nodded. "It'd be my pleasure."

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