Hands of Pleasure

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Massage Therapist! Winston Duke x Black PlusSized Reader

The soft running water of the small fountain that occupied the lobby of the massage parlor was now a memory. As well as the small fish that inhabited its illuminated pond. Sleek marbled floors and the warm tones of lighting brought you to the receptionist that sat awaiting at the front desk. The golden necklace that rested against her skin giving away that her name was Harmony. She'd given you a smile that reached her bright eyes, reciting her 'Welcome to Beyond Euphoria'. 

After she let you sign in for your appointment, she'd risen from behind the tall desk. Revealing her curves and wide hips to match her long brown legs. The meeting of her heels against the floor could have led you to your assigned room alone, its sound echoing in the wide hallway. A few paintings adorned the walls, all of art that tied the area together. It'd intrigued you enough that Harmony had to call your name to catch your attention. Chuckling lightly as she ushered you into your assigned room.

"You can use that curtain to change in your robe. Mr. Duke will be in shortly.." Her light voice assured as she showed you a cabinet for your belongings. She'd left before you'd stepped behind the curtain to change, closing the door softly with her absence.

That brought you to now..

You walked around the room, checking out the decor that inhabited it. Crystals and a few bottles of oils sat on a small table to your right as you took a seat on the cushioned table. Picking up a pink crystal, you wondered what it's purpose was before switching to a more transparent stone. "Clear quartz..the master healer." You jumped at the voice, quickly putting the crystal down as you turned to the stranger. He gave a hearty laugh as you held your hand to your chest, giving his apology for scaring you when you took a deep breath. "I didn't mean to scare you. I knocked and no one answered.. I'm Winston, the owner of this parlor and head massage therapist."

He held out a hand, flashing a smile that warmed you. You eased your hand into his hold, meeting his gaze as you gave a small shake. Greeting him with a shy smile and telling him your name. When he repeated your name back, tasting it on his tongue, you took a moment to admire him. His broad shoulders and chest were housed by a dark grey t-shirt, the logo for the parlor etched onto the spot above his left pectoral. As well as the back, though it's words were larger in size. He'd instructed that you move your robe, and use the towel on the head rest of the table to cover her backside with. You gave a nod, watching as he turned is back to wash his hands at the sink to allow you time to get comfortable.

Once you'd gotten comfortable, he'd dried his hands and turned his attention back to you. He walked over to the small table, deciding on a oil as you continued your admiration. The dark pants he wore hugged his thighs, resting comfortably on him. Not because they were tight, but because he had the thighs to fill them well. "Is this your first time?" His voice caught your attention, making you meet his gaze quickly. Confusion settled over your features and he clarified his question. "Is this your first massage?"

You laid flat against the table as you nodded. "Yeah. I've been needing this for a while, but I always brush it off. When I seen this place was opening, I thought that was a sign that I should try it out.. To be honest, I'm a bit nervous for some reason."

"There's no reason to be nervous, I promise. You're in good hands."

The warmth of the oil met your skin, wafting off its calming scent as you felt it run. Winston placed both his hands against your skin, catching the oil before it ran down your sides. Chuckling when you let out a small gasp. His large hands smoothed over your back carefully, applying a bit of pressure in all the right spots. "Just relax for me.." The heels of his hands worked away the stiffened areas near your shoulder blades before his palms smoothed over your shoulders.

His hands smoothed their way to your lower back, thumbs working at the tension there. "That feels good?" You let out a small groan of approval, focusing on how good his hands felt. "I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled, moving down to the backs of your thighs.

His large palms began kneading the fluffiness of your thighs, gently and slowly. You squinted a bit, bringing your arms up to rest beneath you head. Your eyes fell close as you nibbled on your bottom lip. "How does that feel?" He questioned again, smoothing his hands over your skin once again. "Good?"

You didn't reply, instead deciding to press your lips together to stop any sounds from escaping. When he'd moved down your legs, towards your feet, you relaxed and gave a soft 'that feels goood'.

He grinned, lifting each foot to tend to it separately. Massaging them with oils. You sighed, focusing on a lit candle that rested on the small table. "I've recently started working out and this like heaven right now. Lord knows my thighs are sore.." Passing it off with a chuckle, you heard him chuckle.

He hummed his acknowledgement, working his way back to your thighs. Catching the moan that escaped your throat. "Lets see if we can fix that."

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