Call It A Date

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CollegeAU!Winston Duke x Black PlusSized Reader

Soft thudding steps sounded in chaotic rhythm against the tiled floor of the lengthy apartment complex hallway. The rustling dance of the grocery bags met as the duo made their way to the desired apartment at the end of the hall. Coats drenched from the afternoon shower that caught them in the midst of their shopping at the farmer's market. The keys jingled as Winston fiddled to find the key to his place, juggling the majority of grocery bags from the morning's errands.

"Sorry about the mess on the counter. I had a late study session last night." Stepping aside once he'd opened the door, he allowed you in with a chuckle. You waved him off as you made your way to the kitchen, seeing the few textbooks he'd had on the counter. Sitting the two bags he'd gave in to letting you carry because he physically couldn't carry them all like he'd wanted, you stacked the books neat and moved them over to the shelf that rested beside the television. "Thanks. I was running late this morning and didn't have the chance to put them up."

"It's fine, Win. You don't have to explain it. You should see my desk at the house.." You chuckled, taking out the contents of the reusable tote and placing them on the counter. "Note cards and sticky notes everywhere. I'm just glad you wanted to hang today. If I would've tried to stuff another Latin word and its definition into my mind, it would shut down." Winston laughed at that, nodding at the fact he had the same thought for himself.

"I'm definitely sure that I had that same thought at least forty times this week." He opened the cabinets, searching for some seasonings and spices. His glasses were somewhere in his bedroom since he'd forgotten them earlier so he'd been squinting for a majority of the day. Claiming he could see just fine without them and refusing to turn around to get them. You stayed at the counter, unloading bags and putting the items that weren't for the dish aside. "We bought foil, right? I can't reme-"

"Yessir, we did. I was damn near about to climb the shelf at the store because the last one was pushed back so far. And why was it towards the top anyways?" You rolled your eyes at the thought, mumbling as you went to put away the items that needed to be refrigerated. He'd had to come to your rescue, chuckling about it.

"All right, firecracker.." He laughed as he came over to where you stood. A tower compared to your height as he helped you put things away. "Calm down and come back to me." You chuckled at that, playfully nudging him.

Conversation came effortlessly as you both maneuvered around the kitchen. All the ingredients were being washed and prepared. Winston had put you on chopping duty and you didn't mind. 2000's music played aloud from the television in the living room, causing a few dance sessions from your end. Along with him once you persuaded him to loosen up.

Standing across from him as he prepared the meat, you caught him stealing glances. A smile teased your lips as he used his arm to readjust his glasses as best he could. He knew he'd been caught and it was cute to see him pretend that he wasn't admiring you.

"Don't be over there watching my technique, Chef Duke. Everyone doesn't have your expertise." You joked, placing the veggies on the chopping board. He smiled at you, glancing over as he sat the fresh cut of seasoned fish aside.

With his elbow, he turned on the sink faucet to wash his hands. "I'm not judging. Just looking.." He put his hands up in playful surrender, coming towards your current station at the kitchen's island. The towel that rested over his right shoulder was used to dry his hands. "But I do have a small suggestion.."

You playfully rolled your eyes, watching him come closer. His cologne caught your nose and you grinned. "A small suggestion, huh?" He chuckled at your response, holding up the small amount with his fingers.

"Here. Lemme show you.." He spoke softly as he put the towel aside on the counter, coming behind you to help. His body was close to yours just enough that a chill ran down your spine. ".. when cutting any of your veggies. It's more so the wrist movement than the arm movement that helps with the flow. See?" Taking your hand beneath his, his hand guided your chopping.

You admired as he moved along the board, carefully cutting up the bell pepper in front of you. The control of his hands were mesmerizing as he moved along the colorful veggies. "Now, let's see you try it." His voice was low and soothing, just at your ear. You swallowed as you took the knife from him carefully.

"Why am I nervous?" You chuckled, hearing him chuckle as well. With a soft and supportive 'Nothing to be nervous about. It's just you and me'. He put a gentle hand on your waist as you began your attempt to replicate him. You moved through the rest of the vegetables easily with his praises here and there. Making you weaker with each compliment.

"See there. You're a natural." He smiled, looking over to you. "Maybe we do this again Saturday night? But I'll cook us something special and we can just watch movies or something.." That brought your brow to raise. "You know... just to relieve some stress." A hint of nervousness was in his body language.

"If I didn't know any better, Mr. Duke.. I'd say that sounds like a date." You grinned, moving to the sink to wash your hands. He licked his lips as he smiled. With a nod, he stopped what he was doing to walk to you.

He spoke your name softly, grabbing you mr hand gently as he stood before you. "Will you allow me the honor of treating you to a delicious home cooked meal and movie night?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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