Plus One

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The upbeat tempo of some random instrumental filled the palace-like venue, cascading down over the several rows of audience. Ceilings high and walls draped with gold. Two models occupied the runway at once, sporting the latest pieces of Ga'dor couture. A black owned company that mainly catered to plus sized women of all shapes and sizes. You'd been a friend of a friend to the designer, acquiring a front row ticket and all access pass as a free gift.

Your seat happened to be at the end of the runway, possibly six feet from the where it ended. Close enough to reach out and touch the model if you leaned forward far enough. It was almost as if every model came out to model the piece they wore to just you, striking poses for the camera man that sat on the floor before you.

Fanning yourself with the fancy golden fan you'd brought along with you, you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. Wishing you would have worn your natural hair instead of the blunt cut bob lace front that was adding to the heat from the crowd. Smoothing a hand over the fitted dress that hugged your thighs, you waited for your favorite part of the show to begin.

The men's Big & Tall segment.

You'd straightened up as the lights over the audience dimmed. A different instrumental taking over the air. The lights on stage adjusted and you relaxed a bit against your chair as the first guy came out. And as each model came and went, you smiled a bit when they stopped for their pose.

All those melanin-rich men, with or without a beard, were satisfying your senses. But then there was him.

You didn't know his name, and you'd never seen him before. But he was breathtaking. He'd stepped onto the runway with so much dominance you'd found yourself shifting in your seat. His steps had style of their own, graceful and smooth. You'd looked over the outfit he wore, taking note of his thick thighs and big arms.

A real man if you'd ever seen one.

He'd taken notice of you halfway down the runway, raising his eyebrow so little you didn't notice it. A vision of beauty. When he'd stopped at the given mark for his photos, he met your gaze as he licked his lips. Smirking when he noticed your lips barely parted to gasp.

And then he was gone.

You'd watched him walk away, noticing the little dip in his walk. A smile teased your full, gloss tainted lips. Who is he? You mumbled the question to yourself, starting your fanning again. Though you'd enjoyed the other male models, he stood out to you the most.

And each time he'd come face to face with you again, which added up to five times, there was flirtatious gesture of some sort. No matter how subtle. He'd winked, bit his lip, and even sent you a quick air kiss so smoothly you'd wondered if anyone else caught it. And every time you'd melt a little more.

It kind of saddened you a bit when his segment came to an end.

The show had lasted a total of two hours and ten minutes. And he'd stayed in your thoughts the moment he'd graced your sight. You made your way to the back where the models and designers resided, holding your clutch in one hand and adjusting the bottom of your dress with the other. Your friend of a friend had spotted you before you'd seen her.

She hurried to you, welcoming you with a hug as you told her that she'd done a great job with the show. Being that she was one of the seamstress that worked hands on with the designer, it was a big night for her as well. She thanked you, talking for a moment before she was needed elsewhere. Telling you that you'd better be at the after party or she'd come get you herself. That'd made you chuckle to yourself, knowing that she was serious.

"Excuse me, miss?" A deep voice caught your ear, along with a light touch to your elbow. You turned to meet a broad chest, looking up to see that handsome smile once again. Then the butterflies in your stomach began their dance. "I'm sorry to stop you, but I couldn't miss the opportunity to talk to you. I'm Winston."

You kept focus on his facial features, taking in every detail you could as you repeated his name softly. Smooth skin, a full beard of dark coils, pretty teeth, and soft looking lips. He chuckled, bringing you back to reality as you realized he was holding a hand out. Clearing your throat, you allowed him your hand as you told him your name. Still speaking softly as you met his gaze.

"Ah, a beautiful name for an even more beautiful woman.." He smirked, stepping a tad bit closer. Though you didn't mind. "If you don't mind me asking, do you have any other arrangements this evening? There's an after party for friends and family of the company, and I'd love to have you as a date.."

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