Come on now..

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Explicit Content..

Winston Duke x Black PlusSized Reader

Soft moans evaporated into the air, mixed with pants and groans of approval. The low mumble of the television was only an after thought for the couple that occupied the couch. A pair of velvet shorts littered the floor beneath the glass coffee table, contrasting against the dark rug.

Winston brought the glass of liquor to his lips, taking a sip as he enjoyed his entertainment. Clad in only his briefs that housed his bulge. You sat atop his bare thigh, finding your pleasure in a way you'd only dreamt of. Those massive thighs of his wouldn't only please you visually, but physically.

Your freed breasts bounced gently with your movements beneath the college sweater you wore. A bit oversized because it was actually his sweater, and he liked watching you walk around the house in it. "There you go. You're pretty ass really working for that nut, huh?"

You mumbled a curse under your breath, throwing your head back as you rolled your hips. "Fuck!" He hummed, brushing a hand against your cheek before he wrapped his long fingers around your throat. Pressing a few kisses to your jaw, he mumbled for you to 'slow down for him'.

You groaned out, looking down at him as you obeyed. Tucking your bottom lip between you teeth. "Dont look at me like that, sweetness. Or my thigh won't be the only thing you ride.." He sent you a wink, palming you ass. Mumbling that he'd tear your fine ass up.

Sending a smack to your backside, he smirked at you. Hooded eyes watching you as he relaxed against the couch with a chuckle. He took a sip from his glass, licking away a drop that escaped his lips. "Come on now.." Catching your chin with his fingers, he pulled your lips close to his. Giving a teasing smile. " gotta want it more than that."

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