Cracked Face Masks

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CollegeAU! Winston Duke x Black PlusSized Reader

Music filled the apartment, bass bumping from the little portable speaker. A playlist of some of your favorite songs. The bathroom door was open wide as both you and Winston occupied it. His large arms were crossed over his chest, his large frame leaning back against the counter. Shirtless with only his sweats as coverage.

"Stop smiling, Win. You'll crack the mask." You chuckled as you smeared on the clay, trying not to crack your own drying face mask. He tried to stop his cheeks from rising into a bigger smile, mumbling that it was hard to stop because 'all he could do was look at your pretty ass'. You smiled at that, giggling as you sent a playful hit to his chest. "Stop being sweet to me, dammit. Your making me smile."

He barked a laugh, shoulders bouncing as he apologized. "Aight, aight. I'm being serious now." His face relaxed as he rolled his lips in, giving them a quick lick before he closed his eyes. You thanked him as you finished applying his mask. Making sure not to get any in his eyebrows.

Winston was the definition of handsome. Dark coils, brown eyes, soft lips, and smooth brown skin to match. His physique was one of an athlete, though he played no sports. The scholar was more of an theatre guy, taking on fitness as a hobby when he wasn't studying or cuddled under you. He also happened to be your roommate, the both of you sharing an apartment six minutes from the school.

"There, it's on." You stepped back, letting him turn to see the avocado green mask take over his facial features. He hummed, checking it out as he asked how long it had to stay on. Washing your hands in the sink next to him, you looked up at him in the reflection. "Ten minutes, but sometimes I take it off earlier."

He nodded, watching your reflection as you dried your hands. Taking in your beauty. Your big brown eyes caught the light that was over the mirror, reflecting it back with ease. Your medium length white nails contrasted against the african printed headwrap, adjusting it to get all your twists tucked in. His eyes trailed your frame, liking the way you looked in his sweat shirt. Admiring the way it lifted when your arms rose, showing your thick exposed thighs and a peek of your panties.

"What should we do in the meantime?" He spoke, eyes still on your thighs as you glanced at him. You shrugged, picking up your phone from the counter. His gaze finally came back to your face, watching the pout of your full lips as you scrolled through your playlist.

"We perform. Sing a little bit, dance a little bit.." You chose a song, locking your phone and sitting it on the counter by his glasses. Rolling your hips to the upbeat rhythm of the song you chose. He raised an eyebrow, pointing to himself.

"Me? Singing?" He chuckled. "If I gotta sing, then imma choose the song." You stared at him before agreeing, handing him your phone. His tapping sounded through the speaker since he silenced your song, before he grinned. Sitting your phone down. The intro began and you couldn't help the laugh that had slipped.

This was the same song he'd sang on karaoke for your first date.

He slipped the hairbrush you held from your hand, clearing his throat before he rapped along with Jay Z. You giggled as his other hand took yours, pulling you closer. Then came the chorus, where he sang off key with Pharrell. "Excuse me? What's your name? Ooo-ohhh." He threw his head back, like he was actually hitting the note. Both your hands rested against his broad chest, one hand slapping his chest softly as you laughed out.

He grinned, taking one of your hands as he two stepped. You spun as he held your hand above you, swaying your hips and shimmying your shoulders to the beat. The second verse filled the air, and he rapped along to that to. At one point, releasing your hand to rap to his reflection. You cackled at that, watching how serious he was looking.

When he hit a spin, falling to his knees dramatically as the chorus came back a second time, you stopped the song. Laughing so hard that a few tears had slipped. "Time out. Time out. I gotta catch my breath, babe." You managed words between your giggles.

He chuckled as he looked up at you. Standing to his feet as you tried calming your laughter. "You said perform. That's what I was doing. You didn't like it?" Taking your hand, he pulled you to him again. His arms wrapped around your waist as he looked down at you, pecking your lips twice.

You smiled for what felt like the hundredth time, allowing him to wipe away a piece of mask that had cracked and fallen onto the sweater you wore as you told him that you'd loved it. That only made you smile bigger. "This is the last time I do a mask with you, Duke. You don't know how to act."

Knowing that'd you'd be smearing that mask onto his face the next morning.

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