Perhaps, She Did

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Part Two

Abraham 'from US' x Black PlusSized Reader

One night turned to two. Two turned to four, four to eight, and eight to ten before the line had been drawn. That face was imprinted into her memory, burned into the forefront of her mind. Every moment she'd surrendered to a restful slumber was overcome by the mystery of him. His tall frame towering over her as if she'd shrunken. Those dark eyes that seemed all too focused on her, as if she were the most fascinating thing alive. The large, rough hands that had touched her skin as delicate as they'd known how. Almost afraid that they'd break her somehow.

Exhaustion was a understatement.

Tired didn't seem to hold weight to what she felt. None of the dots she'd made connected. He was a complete stranger, but none like she'd ever seen. As much as she hoped she never seen him again, it annoyed her that a small part of her wanted answers. All the scenarios she'd made about him -including how he could be a deranged killer or crazed pervert- failed to stop her thought of going back to that place. Something made her think neither of those were the case because he spared her.

Putting her fairly new car into park, she pressed the start button to silence it. The headlights cut off and she sat in silence for a moment. "Am I really doing this shit?" Laying her forehead against the furry steering wheel cover, she sighed with closed eyes. "Fuck. I guess I am."

It took three deeps breaths and a encouraged 'get it over with, bitch' to get out of the car. Her attire was much different from the first night she'd encountered the cool breeze of the beach. She zipped the jacket to her tracksuit, slipping her keys and hands into the small pockets. The running shoes on her feet were a bit dated, only seeing the light of day when she had to run a quick errand and wasn't dressed up.

The fair ground was definitely creepier when it was damn near deserted. Honestly it could've been because the fair music still played. A few people straggled around, consisting of a handful of employees and booth owners that were cleaning up. Though with them being focused on trying to finish and get home, she slipped by with ease. A few rhymed two steps down the stairs and she stood before the abandoned house of mirrors.

She took slow steps up the stairs to the building, holding a hand to her chest in hopes to ease her heartbeat. "I'm really doing this shit." The phrase left her lips three times before she silenced. There at the door of the place that's held her mind hostage, she popped her knuckles and nibbled her bottom lip in hopes of relaxing. As if her nervous ticks would help the situation.

Finally putting the sandy sole of her right shoe to the wooden floor, she swallowed her fear. Or at least half of it. She felt like she was in a scary movie, and she was being that one girl that always went towards the danger no matter how much people yelled at the screen for her to do different.

"You got this, girl. You got this, girl. Yo- Fuckkk." The curse came out high pitched with widened eyes and a jump back towards the entrance. Her heart began its racing at this point. "That fucking owl. I knew it was coming and yet it still scared the shit out of me." The angered mumble was more to herself, making her roll her eyes.

Once she'd reached the big room of mirrors where the maze began, she just stood there. Her reflection looked right back at her. Waiting for something she wasn't even sure was real. "Well, we're here. Now what?" She spoke to her reflection, yet it said nothing back. Just as she'd expected. Honestly, she didn't think she'd get this far so her plan wasn't really a plan.

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