In the Midst of Steam

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Explicit Content..

Winston Duke x Black PlusSized Reader

The sheer white curtains blew gently from the air that seeped through the small opening of the bedroom window, brushing them against the light carpeted floor. Silence filled the spacious home other than the calm breaths of the sleeping male, tangled in the sheets with his large frame sprawled over the bed in his usual sleeping position. One hand nestled behind his head and the other resting on his stomach that rose and fell with each breath.


He shifted at the soft whisper, ignoring it with shut eyes. When his breaths became even once again, the gentle breeze returned. Grazing the curtains for a second time. That soft voice called to him again, once more then twice. "Hmm?" He rubbed his chest, not attempting to open his eyes. At least he didn't until he felt a pair of lips press against his cheek.

Winston sat up from his pillow, looking around the room for another being. Breathing heavily as his body went into high alert. Once he realized he was alone, he took a deep breath. His fingertips brushed against his cheek lightly, still feeling the tingle that was left behind.


That voice. It was one of a female, that he knew for sure. Tossing his feet over the side of the bed, he yawned as he stood from the comfort of his sheets. His bare feet met the floor as he made his way across the room. Suddenly hearing the swishing and sloshing of water coming through the window. Using two fingers, he pushed aside the curtains to look out into his backyard.

His eyebrows pushed together as he caught sight of someone in his pool. "What the fuck?" Turning to jog out the room, he did a quick two step down the stairs and hurried through the kitchen. Fist clenched at the nerve of the intruder swimming casually. The double french doors flew opened as he pushed through them with ease. "Hey! What in the hell are you doing.. back.. here?"

His steps came to a stop as he neared the pool. It looked nothing like his pool actually. The pool now illuminated beautiful hues of blue and purple. A calming contrast to the darkness of the star-less night sky. Fog continuously rolled over the pool's surface, fading into the air when it reached a certain height.

Stepping closer to the pool's edge, he mumbled to him that he must be going crazy. Rubbing a hand over blonde hair, he chuckled in disbelief. "I thought you'd never show.." There was that voice again. That soft yet sensual voice that woken him from his slumber, though now it was closer. He turned to it, to you, catching sight of your womanly figure sitting across from him. Your legs swinging as you looked at him.

Your coils were soaked, laying in their short waves and dripping onto your shoulders and back. As well as the concrete you were seated on. "..but you came along bearing gifts, I see." You gave a small smile, rubbing a wet coil out of your face.

He stood before you in only the dark fabric of his briefs. A wide legged stance and his arms hanging at his side's. The material hugged to his toned thighs and lower stomach, though the outline of his length was adjusted comfortably. His broad chest and toned arms made you lick your lips. Shock muted him and all he could do in the moment was admire you. And your beauty.

He'd caught sight of the fluffiness of your stomach and thighs. Humming his approval before you slipping back into the water. You didn't resurface immediately and he wondered if you were gone. But as you broke from the surface, now at arms length, he squatted down to admire you closely.

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