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"Why are you being such a brat?"

"Why are you being such a dick?""

"I haven't fucking done anything! You're the one with the goddamn attitude!" Jacob yells.

"You've been such a dick all day, that's why I have the fucking attitude! You started it!"

"Well maybe if you didn't continue it like a child-"

"Don't you fucking turn this around on me! You've been blaming me for shit all day and I've just been quiet about it! Why the hell are you being so mean?! Go take a nap!"

"I'm not the one who needs a nap, you're the one who needs a nap, maybe it'll knock the brattiness out of you!"

"I haven't fucking done anything! You woke up this morning and decided to be a jerk, how is that my-"

"I'm not a being a jerk! We're talking-"

"We're doing way more than talking, Jacob! If you're pissed about something, talk to me! Don't blame it on me and expect me to know what the fuck's going on!"

"Just stop talking! I'm going to bed," Jacob states angrily, standing up from the table and dropping his fork down onto his plate, a harsh clatter echoing off the kitchen walls.

Troye glares at him as he walks out of the room. Letting a frustrated sigh, Troye sets his fork down, having lost his appetite.

Putting what was left of both of their dinner in the fridge, he sets the dirty dishes on the counter to be cleaned the next day, just wanting the day to be over with.Walking to the living room, he grabs the blanket from the back of the recliner and lies down on the couch.

Angry and upset tears rolls down his face and he rolls his eyes at himself for being so sensitive. He hated when Jacob screamed at him. And having him do it practically all day has made him just want to roll into a ball and sob. He knew it wasn't Jacob's fault he had anger issues. He just wished he didn't have them. He knows he feels terrible about it, because every time he gets mad, Troye cries and it makes Jacob feel so guilty. But sometimes there are days like today where he just doesn't give a shit. Until the next day, at least, where he does everything in his power to make Troye happy again.

But Troye knew he was trying to fix himself, and he was seeing a slight difference already, despite still having rough days. Troye would be damned though if he wasn't there for his boyfriend.

Letting out a quiet sigh, he covers himself with the blanket and falls into an uncomfortable sleep.


Waking up slightly, Troye opens his eyes carefully. He sighs tiredly, as they immediately droop closed again. A familiar scent floods his nose making confusion fill his mind. Forcing his eyes open, he looks up to see his boyfriend next to him.

Troye breathes in the comforting scent of the older man that is blossoming off of his shirt. He takes a moment to enjoy the feeling of Jacob's fingers rubbing softly up and down his spine. Looking up, he sees Jacob playing on his phone.

Feeling movement, Jacob looks down at him before setting his phone on the arm of the couch.

"What are you doing down here?" Troye asks quietly.

"Just because we're arguing doesn't mean I'm gonna let you sleep alone."

Troye stares at him for a moment before giving him a small smile and nuzzling his face into the elder's chest. Jacob hugs him securely and presses a kiss to his head.

"I'm sorry," Jacob whispers. "I love you so much. You're not a brat."

"Yes, I am," Troye mumbles.

Jacob smiles, "Okay, well when I called you one last night, it was meant in a bad way, but that's not true. I love your brattiness. I wouldn't change it for anything."

"You can be a jerk sometimes. And a dick. But I still love you," Troye says.

"I know. And I'm sorry. I'm working on it. I promise."

"I know you are," Troye replies, looking up at the elder. "I know it's not your fault. But I appreciate you trying. It hasn't been long, but I can already see a difference in it. I love you so much, Jacob."

"I love you too, Troye. Thank you for sticking by me despite how I make you feel a lot of the time."

"I know you're getting better. That's why I'm not leaving. Plus I like being there when people get jealous that they can't have you," Troye giggles making Jacob smirk.

"I could use some more sleep, how about you?"

"Yeah. What time is it?"


"Ugh, it's so early," Troye whines, finally realizing just how tired he is.

Jacob chuckles, "Let's go to bed."

"Carry me," Troye mumbles, his face again nuzzled in the elder's chest.

Jacob smiles before carefully standing up and lifting the blond and going upstairs to their bedroom.

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