💫Rough Patch💫

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The bedroom door slams shut and the younger boy lets out a scream before falling to the floor in a sitting position and sobbing into his knees.

Downstairs in the kitchen, an older boy pulls at his hair angrily, before grabbing a fork off the table and whipping it somewhere random, creating a harsh clatter that echoes off the walls.

Pushing off the counter furiously, he grabs his coat off the rack and walks out the door, allowing it to slam shut behind him.

This is the third time this week something like this has happened.

The couple had never fought before besides the play arguments that only ended in cuddle and make out sessions.

Not hair ripping and sobbing sessions.

They had one fight and now it seemed to be all they were able to do.

Troye jumps at the sound of the front door slamming.

It only makes him cry harder, because despite them fighting more recently, this was the first time Jacob had actually left the house.

Usually they'd just stay in separate rooms for a while before one of them—usually Jacob—had enough courage to check on their spouse.

The house is silent when Troye finally calms his sobs.

He stares blankly at the wall across from him, thinking about what made him and his husband begin fighting in the first place.

Troye had been painting while Jacob was at work.

Too exhausted by the end of his painting, he decided to just clean up his supplies later.

He had forgotten to close a bottle of paint though, and when Jacob got home, he pushed Troye's stuff to the side to set down his paperwork and tipped over the paint bottle, creating it to spill on the floor.

Troye went to greet him with a smile but was greeted with yelling before he could say anything.

It made Troye feel embarrassed and dumb, and Jacob's yelling at him about being irresponsible didn't help.

Tears sprung to his younger's eyes as he tried to explain that it was an accident, but Jacob wasn't listening.

Troye knows Jacob has been stressed with work lately, more than he's ever seen his husband stressed.

He gets it, but he isn't used to it, so he isn't ever sure how to calm him down and it always ends up with Troye crying in the bedroom.

Jacob knows it's not Troye's fault.

His husband is the sweetest person he's ever met.

He wouldn't hurt a fly, and feels bad when he crinkles paper.

All his husband does is show love and Jacob fucks it up by yelling when his husband does something that he never even meant to do.

With a sigh, Jacob turns his car around and heads back home.

Unlocking the door, he's greeted with silence.

He can't hear Troye crying anymore which makes him nervous, but he brushes it off thinking he must have fallen asleep.

Walking upstairs, he opens the bedroom door and pushes it open.

"Babe?" He says softly, shutting the door behind him.

Troye glances up at him from his spot on the floor before looking back down at the picture frame in his hands.

Jacob's heart aches, knowing exactly what the picture was of.

He gently sits down on the floor next to his husband, but keeps a safe distance away.

"Do you remember this?" Troye mumbles after a while of silence and tension in the room.

Jacob looks at the picture, even though the image was burned into his mind.

The picture was both of their favorite things in their entire house.

It was a picture of them on their wedding day.

They had just been pronounced husbands and the picture was taken just as they pulled away from their kiss.

They looked at each other with so much love in their eyes.

Now, many people would find it hard to believe that those were the same two boys.

"Of course I do," Jacob whispers, feeling tears build up in his eyes, but refusing to let them fall. "It was the best day of my life."

Troye doesn't respond, but keeps his gaze on the picture.

Soon though, he hears a sniffle come from his husband.

He looks at Jacob.

It was so rare that Jacob cried.

The last time and only time he saw his husband cry was when his dad died when they were in high school almost ten years ago.

"Troye, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, baby. I've just been so stressed, and I know that's not an excuse, but I don't know any other reason as to why I'm acting like this. I never in a million years thought or dreamt of making you cry as much I have been lately. I love you so much, Troye. I promise. I'll always love you, no matter what I say, I can never stop loving you."

Troye wipes his face as tears had started to run down his cheeks again.

Jacob moves closer to him and he instantly falls into the elder's embrace, hugging him tightly.

"We're gonna get through this. I promise, alright? This is just a rough patch. It's nothing permanent. I love you so much, Troye. You're my everything."

"I love you, Jacob."

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