Only One Day???

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Cloudy: And I am back with a new chapter!

Leo: *Cough* And *Cough* Question *Cough*

Cloudy: What? Oh yeah! And a new question! *Whispers to Leo: Thanks for that. Leo replies: Sure, but next time, I ain't gonna save ya like that.*

Percy: Well, what is it then? Spill the beans already!

Cloudy: You want me to spill the beans? Ok. *"Accidentally" spills beans on Percy's shirt*

Percy: Hey! I didn't mean it that way! And this was a brand new shirt! Now I gotta change! *Walks out mumbling something about beans, shirts, and trains.*

Piper: Doesn't look like it now. Tough luck!

Cloudy: Hehehe... Anyway, the question is from @LiaFelix and she asks: What would you do if you had one day to live, what would you do? And for Percy, what would you o if Annabeth was a guy?

Percy: Ok, I got a new shirt one and yes I heard the question because you guys are THAT loud. AND NO ONE ALLOW BEANS NEAR CLOUDY!!! OR ME FOR THAT MATTER!!! And finally, to answer the questions, if I had one day to live, I would spent it all with family and friends. Yes, I'm that generous. Second one, I would become gay if Annabeth was a guy. Sorry, but that's the truth! Case closed.

Leo: Awww... You're no fun. And the answer is... I would spent time in Bunker 9 and party with my friends and Festus and that's all and I don't know why I said and again and yeah I'm done now.

Jason: Percy... I got beans... *Holds up beans slowly with an evil grin on face. Lightning in the background to make it more evil.*

Percy: No! I'm out of here! *Dashes off with the cartoon 'Zzzippp!*

Jason: And he never knows... I would... Complete stuff in my bucket list. And that'll be FINALLY get a relaxing day in the sky, go to Mount Olympus, annoy Leo some more, meet Amelia Airhart... *Continues on with bucket list.*

Piper: Simple answer: Go to Starbucks and go shopping for everyone here so they can look fabulous and beautiful. Yup. I know, basic (not to be racist) white girl answer.

Leo: Like, oh my gosh girl! Like, take with with you! 💁

Piper: Wow Leo. Just, woooow.

Frank: Travel the world with my shapeshifting powers.

Hazel: Fir me I would be a bad girl for once in my life!

Everyone but Hazel: 😱 Whaaaat???

Hazel: Whys everyone always surprised at my answers???

Leo: *Snorts* Says the girl who's nearly 100 years old.

Hazel: *Facepalm* Just stop Leo. Just, stop.

Leo: Being annoying is my... *Gets muffled by the one and only, Hazel.*


Everyone: O.O

Hazel: That's better.

Cloudy: We have one more thing. NICO! REYNA! THALIA! WE NEED YOU!

*Nico, Reyna, and Thalia comes running in*

Thalia: We came as fast as we could!

Cloudy: Yeah. No doubt about that. Here's the comment from @LiaFelix again. *Clears throat* Here we go. *Takes deep breath* (Involves one cuss word)

Tell Leo that he is not alone that I am always here for him and that I may have a FRIGGIN HUGE CRUSH ON HIM also tell Nico nobody's perfect and you are fine just the way he is. And tell Percy that I love PERCABETH tell Annabeth that to. Tell Frank to stay awesome. Tell Jason that even though Percy is stronger than you in me and Pipers and every fangirl out there you are Perfect. Tell Hazel to keep fighting through the curse. Tell Thalia thy I like that she is not the ordinary girl and she is not afraid to kick someone's ass. Tell Reyna that she will find love one day (REYNICO) Tell all of them that is does not matter what your flaws are to me you all are perfect. Tell Leo again that our ship name is Lol (Lia+Leo=LOL)

Everyone including Cloudy: *Starts crying and whimpering.*

Annabeth: That was the most *Sniffles* emotional thing I've ever *Sniffles* heard. Thank you for that. You just *Sniffles* made my day. ❤

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE: ❤️

Lia: *Comment here your response to all this*

Cloudy: Weeeeell that's all for today. Comment, vote, share, dare us, and POSSIBLY follow and we will see you you awesome people... next week. Stay Awesome!

The Seven+Nico, Reyna, and Thalia: Peace Out!



A/N Why hello everyone. *Comment if you know who that's from*

Well first of all, um, THANK YOU FOR 1.78K READS/VEIWS/I DONT KNOW WHAT TO CALL THEM!!! Wait, am I reading that right? Oh. My. Gosh. I'M READING THAT RIGHT! OH MY GOSH! Thanks again!!!

I have nothing much to say, really, besides that you can comment, vote, share, dare us, and POSSIBLY follow. But other than that, you may continue on with your day, night, afternoon, school day (I don't know what you guys are doing right now. Or do I???) , or whatever you were doing before you starts reading this chapter. Remember: Stay Awesome! Peace Out! ✌️

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