I Can Explain... Sort Of...

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Hiya again! Long time no see! So, well, as you ALL should know, except maybe the new readers (Hi!), I haven't updated a chapter in about 6 months. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!*/* Mostly because I was doing something, busy, not in town, getting ready for school, and most of all, handling a sever case of writers block for book. So please request some questions now, I'll hopefully have time to answer them, but probably not all of them, but also know that I do see your comments, but I just may not answer them. OK, bye now!

Stay Awesome! Peace Out! ✌🏻

Ask The Demigods! (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें