Serious Stuff (For Real)

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[Another authors note, I know, but this is serious business I'm talking about. Go ahead and bail this chapter, I don't care. I guess the ones who really care about this book will read it then. (Not trying to be mean, promise.)]

I'm noticing something that didn't happen at the beginning when I first started this book. At the beginning, y'all were commenting like CRAZY and sometimes, I even couldn't keep up. But now, y'all aren't commenting at all.

What's up with that? Is it because this book is getting boring, cuz I can change that. Please tell me, cuz I don't want to be one of those authors (not pointing fingers) that has no motivation or something then just say thy 'completed' the book when it's only halfway done or something.

Well, I want to end it on a happy note, like I always do so stay awesome! And, Peace Out! ✌😃

-Me, Leo, Jason, Percy, Piper, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Nico (He would get mad if I didn't put his name here, and trust me, you don't wanna see Nico when he's mad!), Thalia, and all of us at Camp Half-Blood and Jupiter

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