Question Part 3!

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Cloudy: So here's the third part of the questions! Also, I made the fan club! It's @HoO_FanClub so go check it out! So the first question in this chapter is to Thalia: Why are you afraid of heights?

Thalia: I know it's silly, the daughter of Zeus being afraid of heights, but its because the fact that you could fall from a great height and at the end, you get a face full of dirt. That's just gross.

Jason: Ok sis, yes, that's kinda weird and silly, but that's reasonable.

Leo: O.o

Nico: O.o Oooookayyy...

Piper: I would feel the same.

Hazel: No comment.

Percy: Hehehe...

Annabeth: Percy, don't even.

Percy: What did I do?!

Cloudy: Ok. So the next question is for Frank: Can you turn into a bulldog?

Frank: Well, I guess I could... *Closes eyes and focuses*

*POOF! A bulldog appeared when the most clears*

Leo: Aww... Who's a good Frank? You are. Yes you are. Coche, coche, coo!

Frank/bulldog: *Growls*

Annabeth: Really Leo?

Leo: What? He's cute as a bulldog!

Hazel: Frank, you're so cute! But not as cute as yourself as a human.

Dog Frank: *Comes over and rubs affectionately on Hazel*

Hazel: *Pets Frank*

Percy: I have to agree with Leo.

Frank: *Gives Percy, The Glare*

Piper: Same as Hazel.

Annabeth: Same.

*POOF! Frank, as his normal self, walks out of the mist, once again.*

Frank: Wow guys, just, wow.

Percy: Can I say this one?

Cloudy: Ok. That's fine with me.

Percy: Ok, the last question is for Annabeth: What's 9+10? Hehehe...

Annabeth: Oh gods Percy. That's so simple! It's 19! Duh!

Everyone but Annabeth: Nooooo...

Annabeth: Oh my gods people! Its 19! Didn't you go to kindergarten?!

Everyone but Annabeth: IT'S 21!!! (Says it in a weird way)

Annabeth: Ugh! *Storms out fuming*

Percy: Hahahahahahaha!!! Oh my gods Annabeth! It's a joke! I'll be right back... *Runs after Annabeth*

Cloudy: Ok! That's was the questions we got. That was all from @KandyRush5 and now you can comment so questions of your own and/or something you want me to change about the book. And also, if you haven't read the chapter before, I made a HoO fan club, like I said in the beginning of the chapter. It's @HoO_FanClub. Thanks! Stay awesome! Later alligator!

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