Sorry For Not Updating in so Long!

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in so long! I was busy with school, family, so, yea. Sorry again! I'll try to make this good!

Cloudy: More questions! From Kandy! First question: If you had to date someone else, who would it be? *Smirks* Hehehe...
All of the Seven but Leo: O.O
Leo: Haha!
Percy: Uhh... Everyone, please note that this does NOT mean that we will date that person, agree?
Everybody in sync: Agree!
Annabeth: Ok, now that we all agree, I would date... Jason.
Percy: For me that would be Piper, I guess
Jason: Annabeth.
Piper: Percy.
Hazel: Hmm... (Looks around at the boys.) Percy? I guess that would be the best choice.
Frank: Uh, Piper.
Leo: I guess you can say I'm dating Calypso. *SPOILER* I will choose... Hazel.
Cloudy: Ok! That was interesting! So the next question is: If you lost to Gaea, *ANOTHER SPOILER* what would your theme song be?
Leo: The Charlie Brown theme song.
Piper: How's that sad?
Leo: We would want it to be happy, to get our spirits up, right?
Percy: He has a point. I agree with Leo in that one.
Hazel: Hmm... Yea, I go with the Charlie Brown theme song too.
Annabeth: I'll go with Earth Song by MJ.
Frank: Yes! Michael Jackson's Earth Song!
Piper: Agree!
Jason: Yupp!
Hazel: I'm still going with me choice.
Jason: Any more questions, Cloudy?
Cloudy: Yes! Just one more. This ones for Nico: Why are you so awesome?
(Everyone turns to Nico)
Nico: Well, you know. Just because I'm me. I'm just born that way. And because I don't let the Haters get to my head and just keep doing what I'm doing till I reach my goal. That's all I do!
Leo: And there's the leisure from your Uncle Nico! Remember that, children! It helped us when we were little rascals like you are now!
Cloudy: Leo, just stop. Nico been through hard times. I mean, you have to, but this question was for him to answer. (Sorry if that sounded harsh. I really, truly love Leo.)
Percy: Ooooo... You just got burned...
Leo: -_-
Everyone but Leo: LOOK! A WHALE!!!
Leo: Woooooow.
Cloudy: Ok guys and gals!Thats all the questions we have for today! Remember to keep those questions coming like Kandy and I'll try to answer them, or at least the demigods will, ASAP! Thanks for reading and being awesome!

Ask The Demigods! (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora