Spring Break!

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Cloudy: So, no question from you guys today, so I have one for them! And you guys also, so comment your answer to this question! What have you done so far in your Spring Break, I'm pretty sure everyone has Spring Break and if it's later on this year, what are your plans?

Leo: Well, so far I've made an epic zombie apocalypse simulator, a Leo Mc. Shizzle sized hammer, a robot maid-thing because, who has the time to wash Buford AND watch a movie at the same time? I also went bungee jumping. And how can I forget about the monster fighting?

Jason: I remember when you went bungee jumping you...

Leo: *Covers Jason's mouth with his hand* Don't do it Jason. I'm warning you.

Jason: Mmmmm...

Percy: Well I went to the aquarium where I saved all the animals there, and I don't know why, but everyone there screamed and ran away when I freed the sharks. I also went scuba diving and fought some monsters.

Annabeth: Library. And monsters of course, but mostly the library.

Jason: *Pulls Leo's hand off his mouth* I sky dived! And fought monsters! How fun does that sound?!

Piper: Very fun, Sparky. I went shopping for some new clothes. Not like girly girl clothes, but like the clothes I normally wear, ya know? And, as always, fought none other, than the monsters.

Hazel: I went mining for stuff! I found when looked like an emerald, but it just turned out to be a piece of a glass bottle. But it was good while it lasted! And I didn't fight any monsters. *Sticks tongue out at everyone*

Leo: That's no fair. *Walks over to a corner and starts pouting*

Frank: I taught an archery class of demigods. As you can probably already tell, I fought quite a few monsters. And I was the only one doing so at my class.

Nico: Shadow travel. No monsters.

Reyna: Be a leader. With monsters.

Thalia: Hunt. With monsters.

Annabeth: Use correct grammar, people!

Cloudy: So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you have any questions or dares you want the demigods to do, please comment them and I'll see what I can do!

Everyone but Cloudy: Stay Awesome!

Cloudy: Not this again!

Everyone but Cloudy: Peace Out!✌️

____________ (I'm doing underscores now)

A/N I need questions! And some dares! But mostly an explanation! Why do I have 2.13 K reads on this book? That's insane! Thanks so much people! ❤️

I mostly need some dares for the demigods so they can be a little more mischievous than they are now, so comment away!

How has your Spring Break been? What have you done so far? I know there's some more days to go, but I'm just curious.

That's all from me this week, so yeah! Stay Awesome! Peace Out!✌️

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