I Don't Know What To Call This Chapter

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Cloudy: We have more questions! Yay!!! From two people. We can make a mystery! Two people, five questions, how is it possible?

Annabeth: One person asks 4 question and the other asks the other one. Duh.

Cloudy: *Facepalm* Wow, I never know that. You're so smart Annabeth.

Annabeth: I know. Hey!

Cloudy: Hehehe... The questions are from @AnnabethChase03 and KandyRush5. Let's start with @AnnabethChase03's question, shall we?

Annabeth: That name doe!

Cloudy: Did you just... Why... How....


*Paramedics come and check Annabeth and diagnose her... Slang-Fever!*

Annabeth: I think this is going a bit to far...

*Back in time to where I said 'Lets start with @AnnabethChase03's question, shall we?'*

Annabeth: That name is awesome, by the way.

Cloudy: Hm, I wonder why.

Annabeth: Don't do this to me AGAIN Cloudy!

Cloudy: Ma' am, yes Ma'am! The first question she asks is to Nico.

*All turns to Nico.*

Nico: *Blushes as red as Aphrodite's lip stick. And that's REALLY REALLY red.*

Leo: Ooo.... Someone's bluuuuushing!!!

Nico: Do you ever shut you mouth?

Cloudy: Nico! I'll send you back to 'The Voice', do you?

Nico: No ma'am!

Cloudy: First off, ok. Second, NEVER call me ma'am again!

Nico: Ok.

Cloudy: That's better. Now let me tell you the question. To Nico: If you could say one thing to Bianca, what would it be? And everybody else, don't laugh... Or else!

Leo: Fiiiine.

Nico: Um... I would say that I love her and if I could do anything to go back I time and save her, I would.

Cloudy: Awe... That's what siblings are for!

Leo: *PewDiePie voice* So cute!

Percy: ... No comment.

Jason: So touching bro. So touching.

Hazel: *Wipes eyes with a hanker chief* Really. That truly touching.

Annabeth: Don't you think you guys are kind of overreacting?

Percy: You have no idea Annabeth. I have to deal with this everyday.

Annabeth: I think you mean that's what we have to deal with everyday.

Leo: Hey! Well, I guess you guys do have to deal with this. *Waves hand at himself*

Piper: Um, sure?

Cloudy: Next question is also from @AnnabethChase03 and she asks Percy: If you could dye your hair blue, would you? *Shakes hair spray violently*

Percy: One word, three letters. Y. E. S. LETS DO THIS THANG!

*One hour later*

Cloudy: After all that hard work with Percy's tangled, messy, dramatic hair, we managed to dye his hair completely blue, which you will see now.

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