PLZ DNT KILL MEH!!!!!!!!! (A/N)

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s-so... hi everyone... 

Cloudy here... after... more than a year... plz dnt kill meh... I just wasn't feeling very inspired to write on Wattpad... 

I've also on something... um... I've decided I've finished writing "Ask The Demigods"... again, plz dnt kill meh. I just felt like this book has a lot of good quality already and if I were to write more I would just take away that good quality because I've changed in the time I was on my 'hiatus'. 

I've starting to woke on more... personal? books and realistic? books I guess you can say. I"M SORRY EVERYONE!!! I know how much some of you love this book but I just don't think I can continue... I'll write one more chapter with The Seven but I just want to thank you all for the support I've received! You all are the best readers I could ever ask for! 

If you have any suggestions for stories I should write, please, feel free to leave them in the comments! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Stay Awesome! Peace Out! ✌🏻

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