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Cloudy: First off, THANK YOU FOR 203 READS! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! Anyway, WE HAVE A NEW COMMENTER! CypherIllusion, to be exact!
Everyone: Yay! Cypher!
Cloudy: Ok, Percy, don't freak out when I ask the question and say the girt she got you, but she/he also gave you 3 blue cookies. The question from CypherIllusion: DO YOU LIKE BLUE?????
Percy: Blue? Did someone say blue? Blue, blue, blue, blue!
Annabeth: Uh-oh! Percy's bouncing off the walls again!!!
Jason: Take cover! He's going to create a tsunami!!!
Hazel: Ahhh!!!
Frank: Run for your life!!!
Percy: *Spinning a water tornado* BLUE! BLUE! BLUE! BLUUUE!!! BLUE FOOD WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLDDDD!!!!
Leo: I know how to fix this! Hey Percy! Gaea's back!
Percy: *Stops water tornado* Huh, what?! Where? When? Can I fight her? WHERE IS SHE?!?!
Leo: I told you it'll work.
Piper: Uhh, but how are we going to explain that Gaea isn't here?
Leo: Oh, we'll, you see, I didn't think of that part yet. I'll leave that to you guys. Adios! (Dashes off toward the forest)
Piper: I'll just go and talk to him. *Charmspeak* Percy, Gaea isn't here.
Percy: Oh, ok. Can I have my BLUE cookies? (Singing/saying 'Blue' repeatedly and wonders off looking off into the sky/toward Olympus)
Everyone but Percy and Leo: Good grief!
Cloudy: We'll, I'll stop it here before thing get TOO crazy. That's all we have for this chapter! Remember to comment a question that you want the demigods to answer and we'll try our best to answer it, and stay awesome! And this is for CypherIllusion, and of course...
Everyone: CYPHER!!!
Cloudy: 3 (blue) cookies go to Cypher! (::) (::) (::)
A/N: Sorry this chapter was shorter than usual, it's because (not that I'm complaining or anything) I only had one question, which surprised me because I usually get 1 or more questions from different Wattpad users. Not that I'm complaining! But what surprised me MORE was that I got 203 reads! I know that's not that much compared to some other books that I read, but still! It's a big achievement for me. I mean, how's that even possible?! That's crazy awesome! Thank you! Y'all are the best people ever! Oh, and, please comment a question or what you want me to change, if any, about my way of writing or how I answer questions (or anything else that you've noticed) Let you be heard in the world... of online story books!Thanks once again, and remember, stay awesome! Later alligator!

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