More Questions From...

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A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating for a while. I got grounded. Oh, and anything that sounds afencive to Leo, I'm SO SO SO SO (SO x infinity) sorry cuz Leo is honestly my fav. <3

Cloudy: Honestly, KandyRush5 is on roll! We got more questions from her! (Guessing that user's a girl)

Annabeth: So, the first question is, 'What is your favorite book and favorite movie?' I'm pretty sure you can guess who it's from.

Percy: My favorite movie is 'Percy Jackson' one and two. My favorite book is...

Hazel: Let me guess, the 'Percy Jackson' series.

Percy: How'd ya know?!

Leo: Dude, it's kinda noticable tht you like that cuz you, like, watch it every day.

Percy: -_-


Annabeth: My favorite book is 'The Odyssey' and my favorite movie is 'The Fault in Our Stars'. It's a sweet and sad movie!

Leo: My favorite book is 'How To Be Bad Boy Supreme' by meand my favorite movie is 'Star Wars'.

Jason: Wow, Leo. Just, wow. What's your favorite movie that we would know?

Leo: 'Sharkboy and Lavagirl' The girl's hot!

Jason: Wow. Well, my favorite movie is 'Star Trek' and my favorite book is 'Divergent'. 

Piper: My fav. movie is 'Frozen' and the book is 'The Fault In Our Stars'.

Frank: Movie, 'Cowboys vs. Aliens' and the book is 'Hunger Games'.

Hazel: I have to agree with Frank with that one.

Percy: Next question, 'What's the most embarrssing this you've ever done?' 

Annabeth: Call my mom 'Mommy' in front of the Stoll brothers.

Piper: Turn Nico into a girl for 4 hours and took full responsibility for it.

Nico: -_-


Hazel: Post a YouTube video on my doing the chicken dance.

Cloudy: If you're going to look that up on YouTube, you're just wasting your time.

Percy: Kiss my hot coco at Starbucks. In front of my dad. It was for a dare!

Jason: Forget everything on school bus in front of my girlfriend and Leo.

Piper: Awww... How sweet!

Frank: Get frustrated at the Chinese handcuffs and turn into an iguana. 

Leo: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I remember that like it was yesterday!!! Umm...  Take Clarisse's electric spear away... hehehe...


Leo: Hey, my breath doesn't smell THAT bad... Does it?

(Leo is currently running for his life with Clarisse la Rue chasing after him.)

  Frank: We have two more questions to go! Third question, and I'm going to say the WHOLE this that was realated to this question in the way she typed it, 'WHY DON'T YOU LIKE LEO?!?!?! HE IS LIKE SO AMAZING!!!! HE SACRIFICED HIS LIFE FOR YOU GUYS!!!

 (Running past Frank) Leo: I did!

Frank: I wasn't done. Anyway, 'WHICH MADE ME LOVE HIM EVEN MORE!!!!

(Running past Frank again) Leo: I love you too! <3

Frank: Stop interupting!!! 'YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!!!' Oh... I understand KandyRush5. It's fine with me.

Hazel: What?

Frank: Nooothing... Something between me and KandyRush5.

Hazel: Piper, do your stuff.

Piper: My plesure. *Charmspeak* Tell us what KandyRush5 said at the end.

Frank: She said that I was her least favorite. What just happened?

Hazel: Nooothing. 

Leo: Clarisse finally gave up!

Clariss: No I didn't, metel face!

Annabeth: Last question, 'Percy. when are you going to propose to Annabeth/me?'

Everybody but Percy: Ooooooooooo

Percy: I... Umm... On... Her birthday in 5 years? Yea, I'll stick with that.

Annabeth: Why not now? :-(

Everybody but Percy: DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!

Percy: Aren't we too young?

Annabeth: Do you want me to turn you into an owl again? 

(Percy is currently running toward to beach with his arms flailing in the air.)

Stoll Brothers: What. The. Heck. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Annabeth: Oh no you don't!

Cloudy: Ooookay... Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter! Please, don't make KandyRush5 (I'll call her Kandy from now on) the only one that leaves a comment or question. Please, don't be afraid to chime in!

Leo: Don't be afraid! *Whimpers as Clarisse charges toward him with her electric spear in hand.)

Piper: What a role model. Clarisse! Stop chasing Leo! He's gone through enough already!

Cloudy: Well, I guess I'll end it here before things get ugly. Untill next time! 

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