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(I can't dedicate stuff on my device right now, but I dedicate this to KandyRush5.)

Percy: .......

Frank: I'm assuming that's from the questions we have today.

Annabeth: :( What did you do THIS time Percy? Set ANOTHER school on fire?

Percy: No.

Jason: So the questions we have are from KandyRush5, AGAIN! She's AWESOME! And there's 3 questions! First question is to Percy: Why are you lying Percy? Didn't you kiss...

Annabeth: WHO DID HE KISS?!

Jason: Rachel Elis...

Annabeth: PERCY!!!

Percy: ...........

Annabeth: I'm coming over there right now!

Jason: RUN PERCY, RUN!!!

Percy: I'm running!

Piper: Soo, the second question is to Nico: Who's your crush?

Leo: Oooooooooo.....

Nico: Shut up, Fireboy!

Hazel: Tell us, Nico!

Nico: You can't make me.

Jason: Piper, do your thing.

Piper: *Charmspeak* Nico, you will tell us who your crush is.

Nico: Thalia Grace.

Everybody except Nico: O.O

Leo: Bwahahahaha!

Nico: What just happened?

Leo: ...hahah! What? Oh. Umm... you gave away your crush.

Nico: O.O Which one?

Frank: What do you mean by 'Which one'?

Nico: (Runs out of Camp Half-Blood, swearing every word know to man kind.)

Percy: That's Nico for ya.

Annabeth: Percy, you know I'm still gonna catch you and MAKE you say you kissed. Possibly with Piper's help. >:-)

Piper: I got ya back, >:-)

Percy: Ok, the next question is to all of us: Who do you dislike out of yourselves?

Jason: Good question. I have to go with... Leo, I guess.

Leo: :(

Piper: I'm sorry Leo, but I have to go with Jason on that one. Please don't get your feelings hurt.

Leo: Don't mention it. I get hurt ALL the time. Mentally and physically.

Annabeth: That was sarcasm, wasn't it?

Leo: Half and half, I guess.

Hazel: ... Leo. Sorry.

Frank: I'm sorry Leo.

Percy: Leo.

Annabeth: Leo, I'm sorry if you're feeling like you're getting kicked out of the group, but honestly, it's the only logical thong to do. Sorry.

Leo: Meanies. :'( (Walks out of room, pretending to cry.)

Annabeth: Was it something I said?

Percy: Annabeth, that, was sarcasm.

Annabeth: ...I knew that...

Jason: Well, that's the questions we got for today! Please put all your questions in the comments and Cloudy will see what she can do!

Cloudy: Yes! And if you ever go on KandyRush5's page, please, follower her because she is AWESOME and she AMAZING books that I recommend reading if you're a Percy Jackson fan, like me!

Annabeth: Beware, Percy. May the odds be ever in your favor. You have been warned!!!

Percy: I hope!

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