2. Tallulah

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The sound of my mothers shoes against the wooden staircase made me groan and I started to set aside the sculpture I was working on, knowing whatever she wanted it would interfere with my work.
"Mother" I greeted as she opened the door and stepped inside, her eyes on me, her gaze skimming my face before veering away, but not with interest in my work spread around me.
"Good you're not busy, I need you to nip to the village and pick up some orders for the party tonight" she instructed, and I nodded, even as my mind screamed out a rebellious NO. But I knew there was no point in arguing,
"Here is the list, make sure it's all here for 5, the catering staff are coming then, I should be back from the spa  around the same time" she handed me the list and turned to leave, hesitating at the door, before looking back at me "Tallulah... Remember don't screw this up for your sister, Logan Blackbourne is the perfect catch, he can get her though the doors that matter, tonight and while he is here you'll hold your tongue, do you understand?" Her eyes narrow on mine and just I nod again. "Yes mother" I repeat.
"And do something about your face, we don't want to scare people now do we" she hissed out before leaving.

I grumbled to myself as I shut everything down and locked up my studio, grabbing my coat and bag, I headed out to deal with Mothers list.
Swearing as I realised once again, she had not paid for anything yet and expected me to foot the bill, knowing I would never get the money back.
It wasn't the first time and I doubted it would be the last. So I swapped out her champagne choice for a cheaper one, after all no one ever sees the bottles, the waiting staff usually pour it in the kitchen, even that little change saved me hundreds of pounds.

Father's car was the only one in the garage when I returned home and started unloading into the kitchen. Mary our housekeeper was dealing with a florist delivery and I waved her away.
"You'd better leave enough time to make yourself presentable" Father's voice came from behind me making my jump, nearly dropping the case of champagne in my arms.
"Careful" he warned, but made no move to help me, as usual he kept his distance.
"I will be ready" I replied quietly, moving past him.
"Just keep out the way and behave" he warned turning his back and disappearing back into the house.

"Miss, let me help" Mary called and between us we finished unloading.
"Do you need help with anything?" I asked Mary, once we were done.
"Thank you child, but it's all in hand now" she replied patting my hand with genuine appreciation. "Try to enjoy yourself tonight, it's not too much longer before you can escape" she added with a wink, knowing that enjoyment was not something likely to happen if the rest of the family got their way. Mary had been with us too long, not to know how our family dynamic worked, she was also my support  and even a barrier, when it got too much, in reminding me I didn't have long to wait, just another 18 months and I would be twenty one and my inheritance would be mine and I could get out of this house, without any fallout.

I head back out to my studio, moving through the open space till I reach the door at the back of the room, relaxing a little as I step though into my small studio apartment.  I still had a room in the main house but hated being anywhere near my family. 

I silently cursed my grandmother for tying us all together but then felt guilty, she had loved me and I had loved her.  Why she did what she did, I will never know, A heart attack taking her from me before she could explain.
Flicking on the bathroom light I looked at myself in the mirror, I knew I had my grandmothers features but where hers had been wrapped in a soft papery skin, mine was forever blemished by the raised silver line that ran almost diagonally across my face. 
My eyes were the same pale grey shade as hers and my dark hair framed my face, I was an anomaly in a family of blue eyed blondes, but as I was the spitting image of my grandmother, there was never any question about my place in the family and because of that I was expected to be in attendance at all family events, whether I wanted to or not.

I sighed and got to work, transforming myself into the required daughter before heading back to the house, hoping that tonight they would let me remain on the outskirts as an observer.

I heard the voices before I saw them, Megan rounding the corner, her arm tucked through his, my eyes took him in and I felt a rush of heat through my body and his gaze snared mine.
"Be careful!" Megan bit out at me, lifting her hand with the flute of champagne in it towards me. But she stopped short of throwing the contents in my face as a deep cough reminded her she wasn't alone with me.

"Hello, I'm Logan" he rumbled out and I swear I felt his words travel through the ground to reach me.
"This is my sister Tallulah, come on, I want you to meet my parents" Megan interrupted and stepped between us, breaking the moment and allowing me to escape.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now