16. Gaia

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I hover outside the dining room listening to my grandmothers talking about Uncle Logan, in fact the whole family were talking about him.  I didn't understand the unicorn reference but then adults could be so weird, but I did understand Uncle Logan was interested in the sculpture lady who came here a couple of weeks ago. 

He had been transfixed by her and ignored everyone around him when she was in the same room, he even held her hand and kissed her, I hoped this meant that Megan woman wasn't coming back again, she had been horrible to both me and mum, unless Uncle Logan was around then she acted so nice... urgh.

They had been saying something about her parents trying to stop her coming but that Grandpa Milo had sorted everything out, I didn't understand why her parents would want to stop her, the sculptures were fantastic and even I knew this was a good venue to show at.  However, she was still coming and that was the main thing.

I hadn't been here when she had come back to do the photo shoot for the magazine, but Mum had shown me and I had shared it with my friends who were excited for me.

I grin as I hear them say Tallulah was arriving this weekend and would be staying here for the summer.  She had been so interesting and had promised to show me how she worked and give me some lessons, I wasn't sure how well I would do but it would be fun trying and I could put in a good word for Uncle Logan at the same time, just so he didn't mess it up, I liked her.

"Gaia, are you joining us or just listening in?" Nana Teddy called and I stepped forward, busted to see them both smiling my way.

"Tallulah is coming this weekend" I repeat and they both nod, I can see the excitement in both their eyes and know mum and the dads would say they were up to something.

"Yes she is, Would you like to be the one to show her around?" Nana Teddy offers and I nod excitedly, glad to be given such a grown up task.

"She said she would give me some lessons" I tell them "Do you think she will have time?" I add suddenly realising she would be working and may be too busy for me.

"I am sure if she said she would then she will, she seems to be a very straightforward young lady" Nana Teddy replies and Nana Lu claps her hand "I can't wait to meet her" she tells me.

"Is Uncle Logan going to be here?" I ask and they both grin and nod.

"Every chance he can, he will be here, why?" Nana Lu tells me and its my turn to smile.

"Good, he really like Tallulah and I hope he marries her and not that Megan woman" I say and they nod solemnly.

"Uncle Logan may need all the help he can get, put in a good word for him" Nana Teddy tells me and I nod eager to help.

Mum joining us with Asher, Ivo and Cosmo, ended the conversation  so I headed off to play with my brothers as they started talking about Cosmo's birthday party arrangements dreading the thought of 20 noisy 9 year olds descending on us this weekend.

Luckily for her Tallulah was coming the day after the party, though I wished it were sooner, then I could help her and avoid the boys.

The weekend seemed to take forever to get through and much as I had hated the thought of all those boys running around the party was fun.  As the only girls present Rowan and I had headed up the team games, chivvying the boys to do their best, Rowan's team winning one game, whilst mine won the other. 

We had all been exhausted by the end of the day, but Rowan had found time to take me aside and ask about the family fixation on Uncle Logans Artist.  I had promised to fill her in as things happened.  Since my uncles and aunt, her parents had moved them all to Henley to a property on the river so they could train easier, she was not on top of the family gossip like I was. 

Though I didn't think it would be long before Aunty Amalie came to visit to meet Tallulah, in fact I already knew Aunt Paris was coming during the week and Aunty Geneva and her family would be here the following weekend.

But now I was waiting fro her to arrive, Nana Teddy and Nana Lu were in the kitchen with Cook and I was sitting in the window seat in the front parlour, the room had a great view of the driveway.  I would be the first to greet her, though I knew Nana Lu was probably the most excited to meet her, she hadn't been able to stop talking to Nana Teddy about her.

Finally I saw a car approaching and rushed into the hallway to the front door, shouting "she's here" to the Nana's, opening the door just as Jenna pulled to a stop.

Tallulah saw me waiting and waved through the glass before opening her door and getting out, Jenna smiling as I rushed down the steps to hug her.

"Welcome to Kingswood" I say in a rush.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now