23. Paul

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Lu and Teddy are gossiping in one corner and I wonder which poor child is in their sights this time, I would guess it to be Logan and they will have their work cut out with him.   

Now where was he?

"Hey Dad" I look round and see Lily heading for me, Paris and Geneva following in behind her and pull her into a hug, since Teddy's boys had snaffled her, it was rare to see her without them.  I knew all the boys were playing rounders on the lower lawn with the children, God knows there were enough of them to field two teams.

Surrounded by the girls I see they are all grinning to each other "Whats up?" I ask and wait for the first one to break.

"Logan is with Tallulah in the studio, I think they might be a while" Paris laughs and this set all three of them off.

"You like her?" 

"Dad, she's perfect, for Logan and for the family, everyone here adores her, and the kids especially" Lily tells me and I smile, good, I remember the Megan woman with a shudder, she had not fit in at all.

Milo's loud whistle splits the air and soon I am surrounded by family.  Cosmo, Asher and Ivo wrapping themselves around my legs as they rush to tell me about their game, while Gaia waves at me from Teddy's side, where she and Rowan are whispering.

"The grill is ready" Jensen announces and in the mad rush of getting children sat and food sorted, I nearly miss the arrival of Logan and the young lady the whole household is talking about.  I smile, sensing Lu coming up to my side as we watch them approach.

"They look good together," she murmured and I had to agree, it was the lightest I had seen Logan in years, he looked happy and relaxed.  "Come and meet her" Lu, guided me forward to meet them at the edge of the patio.

"Dad, you made it" Logan greeted, stepping forward and side hugging me, one hand keeping hold of the girl. "Dad, this is Tallulah?" he introduced, reluctantly releasing her as she held out her hand nervously.

"Mr Blackbourne" she greeted nervously and I smile.

"Call me Paul" I offered, pulling her into a quick hug before releasing her back to Logans side.  I could see the emotions chasing across her face and was glad that I knew about her family situation or I would think her reactions strange.  She was not used to being hugged or greeted with love.  That would soon change within our extended family circle.

"Thank you... Paul" she replied softly and looked relieved as Lu, butted in and unhooked Tallulah from Logan and guided her towards the table.  I watched Logan's eyes follow her, his body already turning to follow too. 

"Your Unicorn?" I question and he turns back to face me.

"My everything" he replies and I nod, this is what he had been waiting for, this is what I had seen with Teddy and her men, and our children as they had found their partners, I was glad for him.

"Then I wish you all the best" I tell him, clapping him on the back "Now, you better move quickly before someone else takes that seat next to her" I laugh and he's gone.

Its late when I finally prise Lu away from everyone, especially Tallulah, and she is still buzzing as we leave the estate, repeating everything that had happened, the way Logan had stayed by Tallulah's side and held her hand.  

And Tallulah's easy fit within the family, Gaia has spent time moving between family groups but kept returning to Tallulah's side, making everyone laugh when questioned she had said 'She was making sure Uncle Logan didn't screw it all up'

As I turned out of the estate I spotted a dark car parked in a gateway, and whilst this would not be unusual in most cases, my gut was telling me something was wrong. I twisted the dash cam towards it as we passed and made a mental note of the registration number and hoped I was wrong, but I would let Luka know just in case.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now