22. Logan

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I can hear my sister laughing as I head towards the studio, and the responding giggles from our cousins, I slow automatically listening as they tell Tallulah all about... me.

I can't hear her response but the girls laughter gives me hope that it was positive. Reaching the doorway, I raised my hand and knocked, rushing inside at the sound of a crash to find, my sister and cousins peering over a work table and down to the floor, where Tallulah lay on her back looking stunned.

I rush forward, crouching down to lift her up, "Are you hurt" I ask running my hands over her, oblivious of the giggles from the women watching us.

She stares up at me, eyes wide and I suddenly realise how close she is and where my hands are. Her blush showing her recognition of her placement in my arms. She shakes her head at me and looks down, making me want to wrap her tighter into my arms.

"Oh for gods sake, just kiss the girl already" Lily prompts in a loud voice, causing Tallulah's eyes to rush up to mine and her face to flame again.

"May I?" I question, wondering if she would let me.
"Yes" it's the faintest of whisper but I hear it and my lips drop to hers. I can hear shuffling behind me and know its the girls leaving and I smile as I pull back, staring down into bright eyes.

"I came to get you all, Aunt Teddy says we are about to start cooking, but just one more kiss?" I ask with a grin before claiming her lips again. This time her lips move beneath mine and she's kissing me back, as lost in the kiss as I am.

I groan as I pull away, leaning back and keeping her flush to my body, my forehead coming to rest gently against hers as I breath her in, she's perfect but so innocent.
"Come on baby girl, I need to take you to join the others or I think I will push you faster than you are ready for." I whisper and she nods slightly.

"Thank you" she tells me softly, again her eyes capturing mine as she looks up at me.
Then she surprises me "Are you sure?" She asks
"About what?"
"Wanting me... this... Us?" she says with a fiery blush her face "I have no experience, I'm not social, you're so much more than me, I don't really get it..." she trails off.

I stare down at the beautiful brave girl in my arms, unsurprised that she doesn't see herself the way I do, her family has really never let her shine, even as a upcoming artist, with national recognition she doesn't realise just how special she is.
I slide my arms down and lift her onto the bench, stepping forward to stand between her legs, my arms dropping to loosely hold her hips, at this height she is nearly eye to eye with me and I smile at her small squeak of shock, and while I hadn't anticipated having this conversation so soon, the opportunity had presented itself and I would be a fool to ignore it.

"I am a decade older than you, does it bother you?" I start and after a second she shakes her head and whispers "No"

I smile, feeling more positive now but the true test was to come. "And Megan... I went out with her, but we didn't really have a close relationship, she was just convenient and I was too lazy to do anything to stop her" I took a deep breath, knowing that what came next could either help or hinder me.
"When I met Megan she was charming and interested, I wasn't looking for a relationship, but we seemed to drift into... something, I was going to break it off after she crashed a family event and some of my family let me know they saw a different Megan to me. But again I was lazy, I had intended to tell Megan after her party, not wanting to let her down because I wasn't interested but then..."

I pause and take her hands in mine, wrapping our fingers together "Then I saw you for the first time, she had never mentioned a sister and you were both a shock and a wonderful surprise, you were all I saw after that, I hated the way they treated you, I even hid in the bathroom and called my cousin to find out about you, wanting to know everything and already feeling a bone deep need to protect you. When Megan gave me the chance I took it, I hated leaving you there with them, but recognises from those few interactions if Megan caught my interest in you, she would make you pay for it.  So as much as I wanted to come and find you to see if I was right and you had been watching me as much as I watched you that evening, I knew it wasn't the right time."

Her hands squeezed mine.
"Your father tried to make me stay, to keep up appearances, to forgive her but I had to get out, away from her, so I could work out what to do about you" I tell her.

"You set this up" she murmured softly.
"Yes, No. I put the magazine article in front of Aunt Teddy, she suggested the rest, as I hoped she would, you are here because you deserve to be, your art is incredible and everyone, except you family seems to realise this"

"What now?" she asks.
"Is Megan a barrier, can you look past my error of judgement with her and see me for you?" I wait as her eyes search my face and see when she come to a decision.

"When I met you that night, it was the first time I had ever been jealous of my sister, but I recognised that you were not as enamoured with her as she you. I saw the way you watched her and my parents interact with the rest of the party guests, you saw through them... and I was glad." she pauses and looks guilty. "I heard you in the bathroom, I was curious wondering why you snuck off to make a call.  I didn't know it was about me"
I laugh gently realising she is as interested as I am and my heart starts to race.

"Then I left the party and you had your argument with Megan, I saw you leave and was glad you had escaped being with her, you deserved better. I didn't expect to see you again but you filled my thoughts..." she stops and looks a bit guilty.

"What is it?" I question, cupping her face with my hands "Nothing you could do will change the way I am feeling about you"

'Behind you" she whispered and I turned, still holding onto her, looking at the table with a covered mound. "I couldn't stop thinking about you" she repeated, gesturing at the mound.
"What is it?"

"You" she whispers and I reach out and pull the cloth free. Aunt Teddy had been right, Jenna had 'seen' me before we met that first time and this is how. I gaze at myself and wonder if its vanity that I am so impressed with... me.

"This changes things" I tell her and she looks at me quizzically, before a flash of fear crosses her face. "Before I wasn't sure if you would be interested in me, the Megan issue aside, I'm older that you and not in the least bit artistic but" I gaze at the sculpture before turning back to her "This tells me you want me as much as I want you and my earlier statement about not rushing you, forget it, unless you really want me to back off and tell me to do. So baby girl, I'm coming for your heart". and I kiss her again, harder this time because I know she is mine. "Say yes" I order between kisses and feel the relief who she says what I want to hear.

She's dazed by the time I let her up for air and the only reason I do is because I heard the knock on the studio door. Her lips are red and swollen where I have nibbled and kissed them and I as I move back a step, her whole body sways after me. "Come on baby girl, lets go join the family" I tell her before raising my voice and calling out "Come In"

Tallulah starts guiltily as the door opens and Hunters head pokes in. "Is it safe" he teases and she blushes as I laugh, holding her to me.

I can see Hunter assessing what he see's "Good" he nods to himself "Mum has sent me to round you up, Jensen has the grill on and everyone has arrived, time to join us" he warns and I feel her tense slightly.

"I will stay by your side" I whisper and she nods minutely, keeping hold of my hand after I lift her down from the bench and guide her towards the door.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now