5. Megan

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How dare she, I glare across the room at my stupid little sister, how dare she keep looking at Logan.  And what the hell was he doing looking at her.  He couldn't be interested, not in that little nothing.

When dinner is called and Logan excuses himself to freshen up, I take to opportunity to catch Mother's arm "Get rid of Tallulah, she is going to spoil everything" I hiss quietly, keeping the smile on my face as our friends pass us.

"What's happened?" she asks and I shake my head, not really sure of why I feel so worried, I just know it Tallulah's fault.

"Does it matter, get rid of her, as soon as possible" I snap back, moving forward to talk to Jennifer, knowing that she will cheer me up.

"Congratulations on your promotion" she says giving me air kisses before pulling back and giving me a straight look.  "Why the hell are you working though, I thought you'd be married and being taken care off by now?" she finishes and I send her a tight smile back, wanting to point out that her, (really her parents) choice wasn't exactly a great example of an ideal husband, he may be rich, but if I was her I would worry about him being faithful, especially as I saw him behind Jen, leaning in close to Mary and looking down her top, in fact I was surprised he wasn't dribbling, as the work she had done recently was being showcased to the whole room in the tight top she was wearing.

Mary see's me looking and lifts her hand in greeting and I send her a wave and a smile back.

"You know how picky I am, its taken a while but I've found the right one now" I say with a smile, taking my seat as Logan comes back into the room. I wave him over to my side, introducing Jennifer again before we take our seats.

"My parents are so pleased to finally have us here together" I tell Logan, feeling a slight stirring on unease as his gaze narrows and he frowns.
"And just what do your parents think is going on between us?" he responded quietly.

What was he saying, did he not know what I wanted from him, what I expected, I know I had been his longest partner to date, several friends had commented I had caught a confirmed bachelor, he had even taken me to meet his family, I pushed aside the thought that I had hijacked the visit, that he never invited me along.

"Our future together" I replied sweetly, putting my hand on top of his and smiling up at him, remembering to keep my head at an angle that I knew suited my face and made me look angelic.

I felt the first touch of fear, as he pulled my hand off his and leant back, away form me, but the moment was interrupted by Tallulah attacking Jennifer.

I watched, feeling relief as Mother intervened and told Tallulah to retire from the party. I felt Logan tense next to me and realised once again his gaze was on my sister.

"You cannot be serious!" I hiss at him "You are my boyfriend, why are you looking at that bitch!" my voice had risen and I knew I was attracting the attention of my friends, but at that moment I didn't care.

"You want to do this now? Here?" Logan's gaze locked on mine and I shrank back from his glare.

A discreet cough drew our attention and I saw my father looking at us "Perhaps you should take your conversation to the library" he instructed and I felt my eyes tear as Logan immediately rose, standing back to wait for me.

My stomach clenched again, I wanted to scream at my father, did he not realise what would happen, while we were with company, Logan would be the gentleman, but without the audience he could be brutally honest, I could loose him.

I willed the tears to fall, needing to use everything at my disposal to stop what I could feel was racing towards me.  He held out his hand, avoiding touching me and, indicating I should lead the way and I could feel all the eyes in the room watching us, some I knew would be pleased with what they were witnessing, some would not care at all. Straightening my back, I led the way.

"Logan, I'm sorry, I was just jealous" I pleaded turning to face him, as I heard the door shut behind him. My gaze on his face reading his emotions but what I was seeing confused me, he looked relieved.

"I should never have agreed to come, not without saying anything, in fact without this party this conversation would have happened weeks ago, every since you came home with me, its been obvious that this relationship is not what I want" he steps back as I take a step towards him.

"Please don't touch me" his voice is like ice and I finally realise he's made his decision and it doesn't include me.
"So that's it, give me a reason, what did I do wrong?" I snap at him.

"If you insist" he replies with almost a grin on his face.
"Family is the key thing in my life, I love my family and my extended family and would do anything for any of them, surprisingly I found out recently there are members of the family who do not feel comfortable around you"

An image of his niece and that wretched magazine flashed across my mind and I pursed my lips.
"Are you telling me, because someone doesn't like me its over?"

"No, its just a part of it, initially I felt bad... we got together because I was bored and you seemed interested in me, it didn't bother me if you were around or not, but recently I've realised. I just was not interested and that wasn't fair of you, I couldn't commit to what you wanted, so I was going to tell you and part amicably, believing you deserved to find the man you wanted"

I felt my heart clench at his words, he had been putting me first? But then I remembered what was happening and his other words, and glared back at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I had thought maybe you were the way you were because your family was a bit cold, disinterested but its the opposite, you are all cold, and the way... well the way you treat your sister, in fact the way your whole family treat your sister is frankly appalling."

"So you feel sorry for the little scarred loser" I laugh at his expression, was he expecting me to be broken at his words.  "I thought with you, I had found a man who could stand by my side, would understand my goals and needs but I see you are weak, I even looked past the scandals surrounding your 'family', the disgusting way they ignore society norms and have multiple partners"

I watch as he straightens his back, good I was getting to him, finally able to tell him what i thought of his precious family. "Its immoral they way they live"
He smiles at me "Maybe to you, but there is no shortage of love, support and understanding within my family and I'd rather have that alone, than be anywhere near you"

"I think you should leave" I say, looking away from him, anger filling my body.
I hear the door open and close again before picking up the lamp off the table and throwing it at the wall.
Fucking Tallulah, this was all her fault.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now