4. Logan

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Her eyes, I could see them every time I closed mine, she was already there, and I couldn't forget her face.  I knew I would keep scanning the room again until I saw her, and I would see her again. I would make sure of it.  Though she seemed young but did I care?

I felt Megan tug on my arm and held back the need to flick her off, like a bug.
"Darling, come and meet father, I know you have spoken on the phone but he's so looking forward to talking with you."
I let her guide me across the room to where her father was talking to another couple. Megan butting into their conversation, earning herself a smile from her father and a tight look from the other couple, who glanced at Megan before moving off.
"Daddy, this is my Logan" Megan gushed out and I glanced at her wondering where the sickly little girl voice had come from.
"My boy, welcome to our home, Megan has told us so much about you" he blustered, reaching out to shake my hand.
I slid a glance at Megan who was beaming at him, did she not realise I was not interested. From her fathers reaction you would think I was going to propose.
"Have you met my wife and our friends, I hope Megan is introducing you around?" He asks bringing my attention back to him and I remember my manners as I exchanged small talk.

"Thank you sir, I've also me your other daughter" I reply and watch the sneer twist his face.
"I'm sorry, she is usually better at staying out the way, damn girl" he bites out and I tense, wanting to take a step back, who talks about any child like that, especially not your own.
"That's quite alright" I respond wondering what he would say next, but Megan beat him to it.

"She was lurking in the hallway Daddy honestly I don't know why she bothers to show her face, it's not as if anyone wants her here" she snaps bitterly.
"Had she covered up?" Her father responded and Megan nodded.
"Thank god for that, no ones wants to see her scar" he replied, patting Megan's hand.
"What scar?" I ask softly, still unable to believe the way the family are talking about their own child to me, almost a stranger to them.

Megan laughed before tossing back another glass of champagne, her third since we had arrived. "Oh Darling, just be glad you didn't see it, honestly it's hideous, but unfortunately she's family, and it's not like we can throw her out" she twitters out and I feel my muscles begin to tense at the hatred coming off Megan towards her sister.
"How did she get this hideous scar?" I pushed wanting to know more, and my gut was telling me Megan was involved , I wondered if Megan would reveal her true colours in the process.
Megan laughed again "Oh, it's such a funny story, the silly girl followed my friends and I sledging, I had told her to stay at home but she didn't listen and so I let her go first down the hill, good job too or one of us would have hit the barbed wire fence at the bottom of the hill. Though it did spoil the rest of the day, so much blood, turned the snow red" she cackled by my side and I couldn't believe when her father joined in. 

What was wrong with them?

My gaze scanned the room again , my mind wanting reassurance she was safe, I spotted her in conversation with the couple Megan had just pushed out of the group around her father.
I saw her gaze flick up to mine and a faint blush colour her face before she looked away. 

I wanted to know everything about her...

"How old is she?" I asked absently, realising too late that Megan had caught my interest in her sister, she tightened her eyes, her gaze following where mine had been. but her father chose that moment to respond.
"Tallulah is 19, she should of course be at university but my late mothers will, ties her to the family home until she is twenty one, after that she can do her own thing"

I file that information away and make an effort to steer the conversation onto another subject, I mention Megan's promotion and both her parents are full of praise and it distracts Megan from her glare at Tallulah.  The conversation revolves around Megan for the next hour as guests come up and offer their own congratulations to her, then eventually the staff indicate dinner is served and I excuse myself to freshen up, pulling my phone out of my pocket as soon as I am clear of everyone.

"Paris, is Noah there?" I whisper down the phone, having turned on the water to mask my voice.
"No, but Elijah is, are you okay?" She asks softly, having called for Eli.
"I will be, I just need some information in a hurry" I promise her, knowing she would worry if I didn't reassure her.
"Logan, I thought you were at a party tonight?" Eli greeted, "let me guess, she knows your going to dump here and is trying to kill you?" He laughed and I groaned, knowing the whole extended family probably knew what I was doing.
"Not quite" I replied with a huff, knowing my next words would also be shared "I need you to find out some information for me, everything you can" I ask.

"Sound serious, okay what do you need?" Eli turned serious.
"I need to know everything about Megan's sister, Tallulah Johnstone, everything you can and also why she's stuck at home, something about the grandmothers will" I tell him and can almost picture Eli's face as he works out why I want this.
"Logan, tell me why you need this?" He asked.
I growled low but know he would have heard me "She's my unicorn!"
I hear Paris gasp and realised he had me on speakerphone, shit! But there was only silence until Eli spoke again.
"Give me an hour and call me back, I'll have everything you need by then" he promised.
"Thank you" I whisper before hanging up.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now