32. Epilogue - Five Years Later

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"Jemima!" I heard Logan shout and looked down at our daughter curled up on the sofa with our, her dog Mine.  I grinned as I said its name in my mind, the perils of letting your then three year old daughter name the dog. Harlequin, Son of Brutas became Mine and nothing we could do would get her to change her mind, and it stuck, the little beast loved her and would come to her if she shouted Mine and ignored us when we tried to use Harley.

"Jemima!" Logan's shout was coming nearer and I saw her cheeky grin, that she tried to hide in Mine's furry coat.

"What did you do?" I asked her, checking her over, our daughter was both budding artist and story teller  "Whats that?" I ask noticing for the first time the glitter around her cuffs and up her sleeves.

"Nothing Mummy" she grins up at me sweetly and I can't help but smile back.
"Then why is Daddy shouting for you?"

She pursed her lips in thought, I could see her working her way mental through the stories in her mind.  I wondered on what she would come up with this time, her imagination was incredible and if she didn't became a writer when she grew up, I would be surprised.

"The truth" I warned her as she opened her mouth and her face as she tried to scowl back at me was all Logan, when he didn't get his own way.

"I may have spilled some glitter" she whispered out and I groaned silently, glitter was the worst thing to clean up... ever.

"Where did you spill this glitter?" I asked, trying to keep a straight face and not encourage her.

"In the playroom" she explained, peeking up at me, "and I cleaned it up"

"Okay, so why would daddy be mad?" I ask confused, she made a mess and cleaned it up, even if there was still stuff on the ground she had tried.

"Because she used my towel to clean it up with, the towel I have just used to dry my hair" comes the voice of the man I love, from the doorway and at his words my hand flies to my mouth as I take in the sparkle hidden in his hair, and I have to bite my lip hidden behind my hand before I laughed at him.

"You have a meeting soon don't you" I ask once I have myself under control.
"Yes, baby I do", he knows I am laughing and his growl promises he will get me for it later.

"I'm sorry daddy" Jemima slides out from Mine's side and goes to stand next to her father, who is trying to keep a straight face himself. "I didn't mean to get you all sparkly, but you do look pretty" she tells him, as he scoops her up with a growl and she giggles into his side, her tiny hands coming up to touch his hair, looking at the glitter.

"Pretty" she giggles again and he groans, his eyes meeting mine over her head.

"We need to ban glitter from this house, let Mum or Lily deal with it at their houses" and I laugh, knowing we had tried that before, although last time it was the poor dog that had been covered, and that took three visits to the groomers to get it all out of his coat.

"What time is LJ back?" I ask with a grin, thinking of our son, Logan Junior, he was his father through and through, very very active and I thanked god that he was able to join his cousins at Kingswood most Saturday mornings to play sports with them. 
The family group ranging from 3 years old to 16 year old Forest who led them all in the coaching supported by Aunt Teddy or Rio or Rome and sometimes the other grandparents if they were available, in fact from Archery to water sport's on the lake in the summer, we all joked they were training the kids to be future Olympians, but I know Logans' dad Paul was watching them all closely.

"Is Spacey coming home with him?" Jemima asked and I hid my grin at her version of Lily's four year olds name, Poor little Jace was always wandering around with his head in the clouds and the kid was obsessed with space and the stars so he became Spacey to the kids in the family. Jace was LJ's best friend and by extension Jemima's as LJ's twin, despite the total difference in their activities, Jemima hated anything too strenuous and would throw a tantrum rather than join in.  She was however happy to cheer from the sidelines and frequently watched Gaia boss her brothers and cousins around and I knew she would be following that lead. Gaia was her hero, closely followed by Rowan when she was around.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now