12. Logan

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"Well that went well" Aunt Teddy smiled as she dropped back down into her chair having seen Jenna out.

I shifted in my seat, feeling a return of the tension as I replayed the conversation in my mind. "What if she says no, if she's aware that I am linked to you, she may turn it down"

"Logan" Aunt Teddy Paused "What did you notice about Jenna's reaction to you?"

I sat up intrigued "What do you mean, she knew my name as Megans boyfriend" 

"No, she recognised you before I said your name, she looked almost as if she had seen a ghost but not an unwelcome one, which was her reaction to your name"


"I think she's seen you before, or at least a version of you" she muses.

"Aunt Teddy, you know I love you but please for the love of god, can you just tell me what you mean, I'm not mum I don't have that immediate recognition thing you share" I groan and she laughs.

"I wonder if your little sculptress has a drawing or image of you that she's seen" she tells me with a smile.

I perk up, could Tallulah have been as taken with me as I was her, God I hoped so. "I wish you had asked" I tell her, my mind wondering how I could find out.

"Do you think she will take the offer?" feeling more like a boy than a grown man, never before had a girl meant so much to me and I would do everything I could to show her I'm worth taking a risk on. And she was just a girl, was I too old for her, then I thought about my own parents, there was a decade between them and it worked.

"Patience Logan, I believe Jenna will come through, this is an excellent opportunity, you know that, but you will have to tread very carefully, your link with Megan will be a problem, not to mention she is still young, are you ready to deal with all of that, is she worth it?"

"Yes!" I bark the word out before she finishes talking. "Sorry... yes she is worth it"

"Then we will do all we can to support you" she replies patting my hand. "Now, I am having lunch with your mother, do you want to stay?"

The thought of the cross examination I would get from Mum made me shake my head, I had a lot of work to do in the office anyway, so used it as an excuse to get away, Aunt Teddy's laughter following me out to the car along with her promise to let me know as soon as Jenna updated her.

It took a week, before Aunt Teddy finally sent me the text I had been waiting for, Jenna had agreed and sent through a contract and Tallulah had agreed to be the artist in residence for the summer season as well.  

I sat back at my desk and grin to myself, just as my PA knocked and entered, his footsteps stopping as he gazed at me with a look of almost fear on his face. "You alright?" I asked him and he gulped before nodding, his gaze turning suspicious.

"What happened... sir?" he questioned cautiously and I laughed at him, Simon had been my PA for over five years now and it took a lot to shake his composure.

"What makes you think something has happened" I ask with a grin.

"Sir, for the last week you have been... on a push to get everything done at once, your focus has been work work work and now you seem very relaxed" he explains and I grin again.

"That's because I've had some very good news and I'm thinking of taking some time off, in fact I seem to remember you telling me I needed a holiday recently" I remind him and he nods before replying.

"Yes Sir, however that was two years ago" he responds drily.

I wave him into a seat, finishing off my text to Aunt Teddy telling her I would see her later and hitting send before focussing back on Simon.  "I want to be able to take some time off, so I need a full run down of where we are will all the current projects, I will still be around and available to be reached for questions but I won't be in the office " I tell him and he nods taking notes.

"For how long Sir?"

"The summer to start with July and August and possibly some of September" I tell him and laugh at his look of horror.

"Are you ill?" he asks looking concerned.

"No Simon, I'm not ill, but thank you for worrying. Now we have a lot to do in a short space of time" and I start instructing him on the running of the business for the next few months whilst I chase my unicorn.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now