27. Logan

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Now two days later she was at my side getting ready to face the future. The morning after she gave herself to me fully, we had sat down with the family and brainstormed.  They had known immediately our relationship had changed and the girls had surrounded my blushing fiancee, whilst my cousins had slapped my back in congratulations, and teasing comments had flowed for a while.

Now I knew I couldn't ever be without her, when she was out of sight, or I didn't know where she was I worried, worried that her family would somehow steal in and take her from me.

Uncle Milo had taken me aside and assured me he had already upped security on the estate since the break in and not to worry, he had it in hand. It had made me feel a little better but I know until we had everything in place I would not stop.

She grips my hand nervously as she watches the men entering the room, she had told me that whilst she had met many of trustee's, this was different. We were here to discuss my marrying her and the impact on the estate... before her family got wind of it.

She had asked both Aunt Teddy and mum to sit in on the meeting and I was beyond proud of her. Mum squeezing her shoulder as she passed behind us and took the seat my other side, whilst Aunt Teddy showed in the last of the trustees and Jenna before sitting and looking at me to start.

I cleared my throat, no deal had ever made me feel this on edge, it wasn't business but it was the most important deal of my life.

"Gentlemen, and Ladies, Thank you for coming out at such short notice, my name is Logan Blackbourne, I know you will be wondering why we have arranged this meeting but we have some news, both positive and concerning to share with you" I watch the looks of interest cross their faces, recognition of my name and their eyes are now looking at the other people around them.

"First I would like to share the good news" I reached out and Tally put her hand in mine as I drew her to her feet and into my side, my hand coming up to raise her hand clearly putting her ring in sight.  She blushed and leaned into me, as someone gasped and whispered out loud "You're engaged?"

I grin and continue "I have asked Tallulah to marry me and she has said yes" I tell the whole room, smiling down at her as the murmurs start and I cannot resist dropping a quick kiss on her parted lips.

"Logan" she hisses at me embarrassed but I just grin back as she smiles up at me.
Its a few more minutes before the room settles again and I again observe the reaction of the trustees, four of the five are smiling softly at her but one man... Gerald Greenfield  is not looking as enamoured with our news.

"I know this will be a surprise to many in this room and you may have some concerns but I love her and will not be letting her go, we plan to get married as soon as I can arrange it" I tell them all.

"Why the rush?" Greenfield asks and I smile, this was the opening I wanted.

"Apart from the fact, I see no need to wait for something that is already mine..." I paused, "Her family is a risk to her safety" I tell them.

Voices raise in anger and question about my statement.  Greenfield being the loudest, but its the most senior trustee who's question I answer.

"Please explain your allegations, Mr Blackbourne" Graham Trentson asks.

I explained the break in and an overview of my relationship with the family and waited for them to start their questions.

"Do you have any proof?" he asks, looking between Tally and I but its Jenna who responds.

"Graham, I've witnessed the way her family treat her and the physical and emotional damage cause to both her art and herself, the only reason that... lot haven't done anything more serious that a few bruises and vicious words is because the limits of the trust would mean they could potentially lose everything"

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now