28. Megan

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The statue of Logan sits on my desk and I cannot draw my eyes away from it, she had captured him so perfectly...

Once again I felt my hatred for Tallulah running through my veins, she was a bitch, her scarred face, haunting and taunting me at every turn, my grandmother loved her more that me, people gushed over her artwork, her talent and then she had taken him from me.

The sound of cars on the driveway outside roused me from my hateful musings and I rose to look out the window, my heart racing a little at the sight of two of the trustees and... a police car.
What did they want?

My gaze went back to the statue, my eyes glaring at the hammer lying next to it, I had intended to smash it to pieces but just couldn't do it.  After all no one knew I had it, I had left enough damaged work that people would assume it had been destroyed.

The bell rang through the house and I moved silently out into the hallway, listening as father opened the door. 

"John" Graham Trentson greeted father "Is Megan here?" he asked and I froze. I hoped father had thought I had left for work this morning and told them that.
"She's at work, why?" Father replied.

"May we come in?" Andrew Simmons asked politely and I heard father step aside and murmurs as he guided them into his study, I prayed he would leave the door open and edged closer to the stairs, sighing with relief as he did just that.
"Whats this all about?" Father asked curtly as my mind raced.

"Megan was caught on camera breaking into a property on the Kingswood Estate, she has removed a valuable sculpture from the studio and caused criminal damage, these officers are here to arrest her.  Are you sure she is not here, we checked with her office this morning and according to them she has taken a leave of absence" Simmons explains and I bite my lip to hold in my gasp.

How could they know it was me, I was covered up?

"Wheres the proof, I don't believe Megan would do anything like this, Tallulah on the other hand just wants to ruin her sisters life, she probably set it up" Father bites out and I hear the thwack of paper hitting the desk.

"John, don't be so blind, here is the evidence, now we have spoken to Tallulah and all she wants is the sculpture returned, is it here?"

"Don't be stupid, of course there is nothing here, I am telling you Megan did not do this" Father objects and I realise what was coming next as I move back towards my room, I needed to hide him.
"Then I am sure you will have no issues with these officers having a quick look" Trentson said.

I could hear father stuttering as he tried to think of a reason not to let them search the house. "Do you have a warrant?" he finally asked, sounding triumphant but it was short lived.
"Yes John, they do" Simmons told him clearly.

I could hear father arguing about what was happening as I rushed into my room.  I stopped, my eyes drawn to the statue, biting my lip, it would slow me down and I knew I had to run, but I hated leaving it here.   I grabbed my bag and snuck down the back stairs, glaring at Emma as I pushed out through the kitchen and out to my car, glad I didn't have to drive past the front of the house as I made my escape.

It was a hour later my phone rang, father, my hand hovered over the answer button but I hit decline instead, but the phone rang immediately again, mother's name crossing the screen. my hand slapping the steering wheel and I let out a hiss but swipe to answer.

"Megan where are you, what have you done, the Police were here" her voice shrilled down the line.

I heard father soothing her in the background then his voice "Megan, honey, come home we can sort this out" he said and I felt the prick of tears, this was all his fault, if he hadn't told me to take Logan to the library that night, he would still be mine, now everything was ruined.

"The Police?" I whisper out and he laughs a short dark laugh.
"That was stupid of you, to get caught and bring that damn statue here, they have taken it away, but Megan I can only help you if you come home, we need to get your story straight.  Tallulah is apparently only interested in the return of it, we just need to work out how to get the Kingswood's off our back" he tells me and I growl, that should have been my connection never Tallulah's

"I will be back soon, I need some time to get my head together" I tell them and hear father sigh as Mother starts muttering about the trustee's not being happy.

"What did old Trentson want?" I questioned and heard silence... "Father?" I prompt.
"The trust is being audited, there are questions over some of my funding requests" he spits out and I hear mothers squeak at his news.

"John, what why?"
"Those relating to Tallulah particularly" he continues and I feel hot as I realise she has been telling tales.
"She's said something to them" I tell him and he sighs.

"Probably but Gerald has my back, or he goes down with me, I won't loose everything I deserve to that little bitch" he barks out and I grin, delighted at his hatred for her too.

"She needs putting back in her place" I agree with him before ending the call, wondering on how I could do that.  If I was going down then I would make sure she hurt too.

With a tight smile, I turned the car towards town, I knew just where to start.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now