25. Logan

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Tally instead on clearing up the studio herself, refusing all our help and it was Aunt Teddy who warned me to give her space to process what Megan had done.  There had been no contact from anyone in the family and I knew we were all watching her.

I had been called back to the office when the Police finally returned two days later, they had been unable to find either Megan or the missing statue and wanted to see if Tally knew when Megan would have gone.  

Mom had phoned me to let me know they were there and had let me know Uncle Luka was sitting in on the meeting just in case.  I had quickly wrapped my business and delegated everything I could to Simon to oversea before rushing back to the car.

I arrived just in time to see Tallulahs parents getting out of their car, looking furious.

"Mr Johnstone!" I called as they headed for the front door and was rewarded with a heated glance from them both.

"Logan" he nodded before ignoring me in favour of the door.

I rushed to join them as Jensen opens the door, his brow raised as I race up the steps.

"Mr Logan" he greets before turning to the Johnstones. "Can I help you sir?"

I grin as he steps aside slightly to let me pass, I have no doubt he knows exactly who is on the doorstep and if he's holding them there, then they are not expected.

I hear Mr Johnstone shout my name but keep going, needing to find Tally and warn her.  I find them in the library, Tally, Lily, Mum and Aunt Teddy sat around a low table each with a coffee in hand.

"Logan, you're back early!" she greet and then sees my face "What is it! What's wrong?"

I scoop Tally up and sit down with her in my lap "Your parents are here" I warn her and feel her whole body tense.

I see Mum and Aunt Teddy exchange glances "Did you know they were coming?" Mum asks Tally softly and she shakes her head.

"Do we know what they want?" Aunt Teddy asks and Tally looks at her and I can see the fear on her face.

"They want me to drop the charges, or to come home, or both, it will be to protect Megan whatever it is" she whispers out.

Mum pats her hand, sharing a glance with Teddy they both get up. "Stay here, we will see what they want, they didn't let us know they were coming so I will say you are out on the estate... you don't have to see them" 

Tally straightens her back "I think I have too, they will only make things unpleasant otherwise" she replies and we can all hear the tremble in her voice.

"Then lets find out what they want first so you are prepared" Aunt Teddy declares pressing the intercom button on the library desk.

"Teddy?" I hear Uncle Milo's voice from the study.

"Darling, we have visitors, I need to use the study for them, can you leave this link open" she explains.

"Who?" he questions.

"The Johnstones are here unexpectedly for Tallulah" she tells him.

"Of Course, and Teddy, I think I will stay with you" he adds and I see Aunt Teddy smile at his protectiveness, before she turns back to us.

"Stay here and listen, join us if you want to, remember you do not have too" she tell Tally and both Mum and Aunt Teddy leave the room.  

Lily and I exchange concerned glances over Tally's head as we sit silently and wait. I wrap my arms around her tighter and feel her lean back into me, even though she hasn't yet relaxed. Then Lily stands as well, "I need to keep the children away" she waves a hand as she closes the door behind her.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now