14. Logan

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Once again I was sat in the morning room at Kingswood waiting for Jenna to arrive, only this time she wouldn't be alone, this time Tallulah would be with her. I couldn't remember the last time I felt this nervous.

Uncle Milo was sat watching me and I could sense his enjoyment at my nerves "Relax boy, you look like your going to pounce on her as soon as she gets in here" he laughs and I shake my head at him.

"I can't relax, what if she changes her mind... do you think she would let me?" I reply and he laughs again, just as the door opens and Aunt Teddy joins us, sliding onto Uncle Milo's knee, his arms wrapping around her and I sigh, their love permeating the whole room. My parents were the same, total focus on each other.  That's what I wanted... a love that strong, it why I have never really connected with a woman before, why it didn't work with Megan, she was never the one, but Tallulah, it only took one look and I can't forget her.

Aunt Teddy slides off Uncle Milo's lap with a giggle, just as a knock sounds and the door opens, Jensen ushering them inside. "Miss Cavendish and Miss Johnstone" he announces before retreating and closing the door.

I rise slowly, acutely aware of her gaze on me as I focus on her, leaving Jenna Cavendish to Aunt Teddy, I take the few steps needed to bring me to her side. I feel a little outside myself as I take her hand in mine and raise it to my lips, watching hers part in surprise as a delicate blush floods her cheeks.


"Logan!" Uncle Milo's voice breaks my trance and I turn to see them watching us and I realise he had been saying my name before he had to raise his voice.

"Sorry" I grin at them, keeping her hand in mine as I guide her to the chair next to mine. She's still watching me and I realise she hasn't yet said a word. "Are you okay?" I ask softly and she nods, her eyes holding mine and I can see she is as affected by me as I am her.

I don't want to let her go, but Uncle Milo's prompting cough, made me finally take a step back and look at the others in the room with us.

"I can make him leave, if you want" Uncle Milo offers and I tense as I wait for her reply.

"No, Thank you, its alright" she whispers out, looking at him and I can see her shyness, kicking myself for overwhelming her but not wanting to back off either.

Aunt Teddy steps forward holding her hand out to Tallulah and introducing herself and Uncle Milo, steering the conversation to her art and the Hyde Park display, keeping the conversation light as gradually Tallulah relaxed more and was offering information, even offering to give Gaia some classes as Aunt Teddy explained how Gaia had been the one to find her first and she had made Tallulah laugh when she had pointed that out, waving off any influence of my interest in her and letting her know she would have been asked regardless.

I sat back and watched her as they discussed the summer residency proposal and what they envisaged for the display and marvelled at how different she was to Megan and every other female I had ever had dealings with, outside my own family of course.  She was strong, and confident about her work, and I wondered how she had survived within her toxic family.  I let my thoughts run as I watched her.

Suddenly everyone was rising and I jumped up, wondering what I had missed, my heart started to race... was she leaving!  But Uncle Milo put a hand on my shoulder to still me, as just Aunt Teddy and Tallulah left the room. "She's having a look at the rooms Teddy is suggesting she use, then they will be back to look round the grounds" he tells me and I nod, slipping back down into my seat and running my hands through my hair as my heart beat returned to normal.

"You really care" Jenna said looking at me and I nodded, I knew from the report Eli had done me how important Jenna was to Tallulah, and I needed her to like me, if I wanted to get close to her.

Jenna sighed and leaned back in the chair, looking at Milo before continuing "My apologies" she directed the words to him before looking back at me "I find myself in a difficult position, I worry about you and your link to Megan and how this could come back to hurt Tallie.  Her family are not, well they are not nice to her and this" she waved her hand at me "this could cause her so many problems." 

"I am aware" I tell her calmly, knowing she cares and has a valid reason for concern after seeing the parents reaction at the party to how Tallulah got her scar. "But I cannot step away, not now I've found her, but I will do everything in my power to minimalize any fall back on her"  

I watch her watching me and remember something Aunt Teddy said after the last meeting. "You knew me, before you were told my name... How?"

She cants her head and regards me "You are not the only one who is fascinated" she smiles, "I'm sure you will get to see why soon enough" 

"Now a question for you, how much do you know about her situation?" Jenna looks more serious and I wonder why.  "This is a big deal in the arts world, as soon as the news is made public, I fear her family will try to ruin it for her, make her go back home"

"Because of her grandmothers trust?" I ask and Jenna nods.

Uncle Milo sits forward "What trust?" he asks and I give him a quick overview of what Eli put in the report, with Jenna filling in a couple of parts.

"I really don't know what Madeline was thinking but Tallulah is suffering for it" Jenna adds finally.

"The trust is not run by her parents?" he asks and Jenna again shakes her head.

"No they are beneficiaries of the trust but have no say in the running of it" she explains and Uncle Milo smiles.

"Great, we can just speak to the trust directly, she would not be breaking any of the rules, its no different to her completing her tour with you.  That way her parent cannot interfere" he offers and I can see the tension leave Jenna, she really thought this could be a problem.

"Thank you" I tell him with a grin and he laughs back "Don't thank me just yet, this is only the beginning" he says just as the door opens and they return, with another in tow.

Gaia is holding Tallulah's hand and looks very pleased with herself. "You found a stray" I tease.

"Uncle Logan!" she laughs, looking up at Tallulah with a smile "This is the lady that did the sculptures in your magazine, Nana says she is going to be here for the summer, how cool is that, we are going into the gardens now to look at locations for them coming here"

I grin back at her, she was a confident child but I had never seen her take to anyone so quickly, Talullah blushes "So cool" I agree, standing and offering my arm to Tallulah "May I?" I ask softly, feeling both nervous and proud as she took my offered arm.  I hold out the other one to Gaia "My Lady Gaia, shall we" I say and she laughs as she grabs my arm and starts towing us towards the patio doors excitedly.

The next two hours we tour the formal gardens, Gaia running circles around us, keeping everyone entertained and engaging Tallulah in constant conversation about art, as Jenna and the rest of us discussed placements and watched them.

As we were finally heading back to the house, Tallulah and Gaia ahead of us, Aunt Teddy leant into my side and whispered "She's perfect, for you and for the family", then she laughed "Lucy's going to hate that I've met her first, I better set up a lunch soon" 

Knowing Aunt Teddy and Mom, it wouldn't stop at the two of them, soon all my cousins and their partners and babies would be involved. "Just don't scare her away" I groan.

It was difficult to watch her start to pack up, but I knew she would soon be here, two weeks, that's all I had to wait before she was living here at the estate and I would be able to see her whenever I wanted to. 

Jenna and Tallulah shook hands with everyone, except Gaia who hugged Tallulah round her waist causing more laughter and then I stepped forward, nodding to Jenna as I gently pulled Tallulah into my arms, waiting for her to stiffen and if she did I would back off, but she came to me and I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head, feeling the heat of her blush against my lips. "Stay safe little one, I will see you soon" before releasing her and stepping back. she swayed for a second before rushing into the car, her face flaming, but I smiled there was no fear, not of me.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now