9. Logan.

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I read through the report Eli had sent me so far and sighed.  What a mess, I wasn't sure what her grandmother thought she was achieving by tying that family together the way she had, but I don't think the current situation was what she planned.  It was clear to everyone Tallulah was suffering for it.

I picked up the copy of her sculpture tour itinerary and wondered how Eli had got hold of it, not that I was going to complain but this wasn't public knowledge. Looking at the attached images,  it prompted a memory of Gaia saying she liked the sculptures in the park, she had seen it in a magazine I had, something Megan had made a snide comment about.  I hoped it hadn't been thrown away as I headed for the living room to find it.

It was there, at the bottom of the pile, it would have been thrown in the next clear out and I thanked god it was still here, I flicked through to the correct pages. As I read I felt a sense of pride in her work, satisfaction that she was successful in her own right, it was twisted logic but she didn't need me to be successful, so if I could persuade her to take a chance on us then I knew it was all about us and nothing to do with how I could benefit her. Not that i would consider her not taking a chance on us.

My gaze fell to one of the images... a sculpture, its young body supporting a older frail body in flight, the emotion you got from the almost too simple image, drawing the eye to look closer at the piece and I wondered again about her relationship with her grandmother. The almost invisible raised line across the face telling me this was her version of a self portrait, the raised tears from both body forms adding to the emotion.

My musing was broken by the chirp of my phone, a message from my mother, requesting I join her for lunch. I smiled and shook my head, I Imagine the family grapevine has been rife with speculation, I bet Paris hadn't waited long to share the little she knew and I had no doubt Lily had called her especially as I had not yet returned her call.   Lunch was Mum wanting to know what was going on.

My gaze went back to the magazine and I noted the sculptures were due to be moved to a different location shortly. There was a note from her agent saying that new locations were being added regularly and a link to the agents website for further details... my mind started working out ways to bring her closer, a way to set up a meeting away from her home and family, especially Megan.

I knew my relationship with her sister was a conversation that was was going to be a difficult one for her, I had already forgotten her in my mind, Megan had been cold and efficient when I thought back to our physical interactions, something which should have raised more flags for me to end it sooner, but I couldn't regret the interaction, not as it let me find Tallulah.  I said her name again in my mind, adding my surname and making myself smile, as I thought about her.

'Will Aunt Teddy be there?" I messaged Mum back and got a very prompt positive response, my mind searching for opportunities. Both Kingswood Park and Loxley Manor had hosted Sculpture trails before and maybe could again with Tallulah's work. "I will see you at lunch" I sent back with a smile before taking the magazine back to my office and reading the article in full.

I take the magazine with me when I leave for mums, knowing that Teddy will want to see the quality of the sculptures that I am going to ask her display.  I know she would help me regardless just because I am asking her too, but I want them to see she is talented and worth displaying in her own right.

The are waiting for me in the sun room when I get there and I can see lunch waiting covered in the kitchen, Anna the housekeeper waving to me as I pass. "Hey Mum, Aunt Teddy, how are you?" I lean down and kiss each on the cheek before dropping into a chair and waiting with a smile, laying the magazine on the table next to me.

"What's that?" Mum pounces first and I hide my grin, knowing she would be just as interested as my nosy sister whose calls I was avoiding.

"I had a request, a favour but I think this would be something you might be interest in doing anyway so" I reach across and pluck the magazine out of Mums hands and opening it to the write up about Tallulah, I pass it to Aunt Teddy.

"Oh, I saw this in Hyde Park, it was stunning" she ran her finger over the picture of the girl with older lady that I thought was Tallulah and her grandmother.  I waited as she read a bit more. "Oh they are looking for venues, I didn't know that, do you think we could have them at Kingswood, it would be perfect on the lower lawn" she exclaims and I smile, this was just what I wanted.

"Who is she?" Mum asked watching me "I can see Teddy has just given you what you want but why?" 

I take a deep breath, hoping this didn't come off as too desperate. "The Artist is Tallulah Johnstone, she is the younger sister of a woman I was recently dating, I met her for the first time very briefly this weekend, where I parted ways with Megan, something which I had been meaning to do for a long time but was too lazy too"  I paused, looking at them watching me " I probably exchanged  two words with her, but she's all I can think about and I am worried that she is at risk within her family, Megan I think realised I was interested"

"Okay, can she not just leave?" Mum asks and I shake my head remembering what i had read in Eli's file on her.

"Its complicated, she is tied to the family till she is 21, due to her grandmothers will, but they treat her like she's dirt.  If I approach her directly, it could cause her problems, Gaia mentioned the sculptures and when I realised it was her, I thought"

Aunt Teddy reached over and patted my hand, handing the magazine over to Mum for her to see. "I would love to meet her and have her display at Kingswood, I can show Pa, he will probably want her at Loxley as well, you can then woo her away from her family" Aunt Teddy said. "Do you want me to arrange a meeting with her agent, and with you present?" she adds and I nod, my grin telling them both I had got what I wanted.

"Thank you and yes please, only not if she is there, I don't want to scare her away, or give her a chance to run"

"You know the others will want to meet her, they are all wanting to know who this unicorn girl is" Mum laughs "Especially Lily"

"Gaia first, after all she saw the article before all of us" I suggested as Anna brought lunch through to us, causing them to laugh.

"When..." I trail off, unable to believe just how badly I wanted set up as soon as possible.

"As soon as we have had lunch I will make the calls, what's you diary looking like?" she promises with an understanding look.

"It doesn't matter, I will cancel anything in the way" 

"Oh Logan, I am so happy for you" Mum coo's and I swear I can see tears in her eyes.

Possessive - Logan's Unicorn - Kingswood Saga Book 7 - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now