You're alive!

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"Caleb? You're...thank the force you're still alive!"

"You too." He replied, skimping towards the Mirialan in an attempt to embrace her with an enticed hug.

"I could sense a presence but I wasn't sure if it was good or bad, so I ran."

"It's all right. I'm here now."

"I've missed being around a friend."

"Yes, Caleb. Me too."

"Do you have any food?" He asked, doubtlessly tired.

"Yeah, here." She handed, "Oh, Caleb. What's happened? You look like..."

"I know. I haven't found a home or a job at all after the...the..." He shuttered.

"You don't have to. I understand." She consoled.

"Right, well yeah the reason I'm so thin is because I couldn't find any food or water. The people here are selfish, they don't even provide me refreshments or public convenience privileges." He explained, jumbling up the ration bar, as he grew more and more weary of nodding off.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"Sorry, uhhh. I haven't eaten in days so could I..."

"Of course." She interrupted, delivering him another ration bar.

"Caleb, when's the last time you slept?"

"Ummm. I...I...At least a week ago."

"Oh Caleb, that's not healthy at all. Come to my ship and..." But he had already collapsed, falling onto her shoulders as she balanced his weight with hers.

Barriss headed towards her shuttle, as ominous waves of danger began penetrating her defence system.

"Well well, so you planned on getting the bounty without us?"

"You were all drunk, so what'd you expect me to do? By the way, did Jabba tell you our target was a child?"

"Why, of course. He trusts us with his life."

"Know what he also told us?" He began, holstering his blaster.

"To kill you after the job was done."

Pew pew pew

Barriss ducked out of the way, surpassing the shots and infiltrating their high ground with hers. As Scarr had now also raised his blaster at her.

Our hero continued. Supporting Caleb with one hand while rapidly leaping and balancing with the other.

Later on, both hunter and prey had made it to the roof, where Barriss finally managed to kick away their blasters and deprive them of any further weaponry. By virtue of hypnotizing them with the force.

"Well little guy, let's get going."

Barriss boarded her shuttle, swiftly flying off into a distant planet, before laying Caleb onto her bed.

When from the next room, she heard:

"Master? Master? Master no! Master! Ahhhhhhh!"

"Caleb?" At the sound of his name, the child's eyes bursted open, only to be met with that of the Mirialan's.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh? What...why wouldn't I be?" He faked a smile.

"Caleb, you know you can tell me about it right?"

"Sorry Barriss, I just don't feel like discussing about the worse day of my life."

"It's fine. You can tell me whenever you're ready. But just know that I'll always be there when you need me."

"Uhhhh. Thank you – For everything."

"You're welcome. Now get some rest young one."

"I...I don't think that's necessary."

"Caleb, you haven't slept in a week. You'll need your strength."

"I know." He paused, "I just don't wanna relive the days when..."

"It's okay. I understand."

"Here." She sat on the bed, laying a hand on his chest. Whereas he responded by grasping it with both hands.

"Quiet your mind Caleb. Close your eyes and relax. Don't think of anything else. Just tell yourself that you want to rest. Shut out everything you need to."

"It's...not that easy."

"I know, just do your best."

"Can umm...can uhh...can..."

"Of course." She whispered. Implanting her body right beside his, adjudicating a sense of assurance and safety. Her hand still rested atop his chest.

It was unlike anything Caleb had ever experienced. The acutely pervading anatomy of Barriss had started to perk his senses. As her perpetuate warmth consistently spread through his short stature, enlightening his heart with joy and indulgence, permeating his soul with flecks of comfort.

When twilight had dawned upon them, Barriss found it exceedingly difficult to soldier on, reluctantly pulling away. Only to be stopped by the perverse grip of Caleb's hands, murmuring the words 'Please don't go.'

So, she stayed, adjusting her sleeping position, lest he becomes perturbed from thoughts of peril.

"Don't worry, Caleb. I'll be right here." She murmured.

Happy Valentine's Day everybody. I know I've published several other chapters on my other books today and that this is probably the only one without any romantic content in it. So sorry about that. 

But if you really wanna get that strong, affectionate vibe then please feel free to check out my book 'The things a friend can change' where I had planned and published a 5 part 'Valentine's Day Special' about 5 minutes ago.

Whatever. I love you all and have a great Valentine's Day. Tell folks you love them, (i.e. Taxi drivers and pretty much anyone you see today) and stay positive with countless conceptions of affection. 

Once again, I love you all. Have a great Valentine's, and most importantly

May the force be with you.

Barriss Offee: Remnants of the WarWhere stories live. Discover now