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The path of the corridor was made of glass on both sides, so everything outside was visible. It was lunch time, in the afternoon so the sun shone down brightly on the building. Taehyung looked outside, it was blindingly bright.

The cafeteria was in the ground floor and the two friends were walking through the glass corridor of the first floor.

Joshua looks towards the cafeteria and gives up on running after seeing the endlessly long line. They were already too late, so they catch their breaths and walk slowly.

Once they reach and wait in line for a long ass time, they finally get their plates of rice and meat and go outside to the school garden to eat.

The four friends always eat on a beautiful lawn with a giant tree in the middle, covering the whole lawn with a cool shade.

They sit on the slightly wet grass under the tree, giving them a comforting coolness after running for food. The breeze of the open place made it even better.

"So how was the test?" Taehyung asked with his mouth full

Joshua being a gentleman, wanted to slap his friend for talking with his mouth full since it wasn't good manners, but he was so done with Taehyung. He knew if he told him not to do it, he'd do it again anyways.

"Easy" Joshua said and took a piece of meat from Taehyung's plate.

"Hey that's my chicken!-" and Taehyung began to cough

"That's what happens when you talk with your mouth full, idiot"

Taehyung was still coughing as if he choked on something. Joshua saw that and knew Taehyung was not playing around.

"T-Tae are you okay?" Joshua asked and hurriedly opened up a water bottle and pat Taehyung's back.


~ from jeonghan to carats

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~ from jeonghan to carats

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