十二 12 🥀

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"Aren't you surprised?" Taehyung asked Joshua

"Nope, it was pretty obvious and I knew even if you never liked Jungkook, you might fall in love with him one day"

"And why would you think that?"

"Are you kidding me? THE WAY YOU LOOK AT HIM IS LIKE-"

"SHUT UP do you want the whole school to know?!" Taehyung whisper yelled

They were in the cafeteria waiting for Jungkook and Jeonghan to join them for lunch.

The students from the tables near their, gave them weird, 'please be quiet' looks.

Taehyung told Joshua about his crush on Jungkook in the morning, but they had separate classes after that and couldn't talk with each other.

"As I was saying, the way you look at him is like- you love him and I've told you it was kinda obvious"

Taehyung sighed. It was really obvious after all. Well atleast it's not crime to fall in love right?

Joshua waved to Jungkook and Jeonghan who were entering the cafeteria. Soon the two joined them. Jeonghan gulped down a whole bottle of water in less than a minute. He was all sweaty, so they assumed he had p.e.

Joshua gave him a tissue, and Jeonghan's eyes were literally sparkling.

"So how did you do Jungkook?" Taehyung asked

"I did well!"

"You seem to be in high spirits" Joshua said

"Yeah, the person I like and I were a team in the game"

"Ooh you haven't told us who that is yet" Jeonghan said

"We were in the same class Jeonghan and you didn't see who my teammate was?"

"Bruh I was busy getting scolded by the teacher for coming late"

"Tell me something I don't know" Joshua said looking at Jeonghan

"Hey I'm not late to all classes" Jeonghan said emphasizing the 'all'

Taehyung clutched his shirt and Joshua noticed. He knew Taehyung loves Jungkook now, and understands how much it would hurt.

Jungkook was about to speak, but Taehyung got up, and ran to the bathroom.



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