Chapter 17- Lectures with Professor Satyr

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"Come on, does this place come with an instrument manual?" He put his hand out and leaned against the door, taking a moment to centered himself... And his hands slipped right through! "Ackk!"

He felt a chill gone through him as he fell through a transparent blue wall and onto the floor. As soon he was in, the door reformed.

"It's you Seth! Well, aren't we the lucky humans?"

"Oh, Joe, from earlier! so you're my roomie?"

"Yes, sorry about not telling you earlier but we have lectures tomorrow! We need to take a little nap for tomorrow lectures."

"Professor Satyr got me assigned let go to bed!"


Seth and Joe got prepared for lectures on the way... Seth met Optimus. "Hi Seth you here for real." It leaned closer and hugged Seth in a tight hug. Joe stalked away to the classroom leaving Seth and Optimus.

"So seth how do you get here?"

"It's a long story. I should go. My next class starts pretty soon. I'll... see you later, I suppose."

"Right. Sure."

As Seth watched it down the hall, he saw a curious face, hair, peering at him from around the corner of a side hallway.

"(Is she a teacher... ?)" As he started to walk towards her, she disappeared behind the wall... And when Seth finally reached the spot, she's gone.

Later that day, he headed to the yellow house for his first time natural studies with Professor Satyr. He took an opened seat next to Joe Mason— Behind him, the majority of the floorspace was taken up by something about hip height, covered in a tarp. Before he could asked about it, Joe drew his attention back.

"There you are! I assume that since you're here, you're not expelled?"

"Yeah...I think one of the Professor vouched for me. Maybe it was Professor Satyr? He seems nice. At the very least, I'm glad someone's looking out for me. I never expected to be here again, when Prof Stephen told me to stop this school. You know what I mean?"

"It seem like magic is starting to grow on you."

"Not like that Joe, I got a letter from Prof Stephen it seem it's an email."

"Ah, right, the ATL communications system at this college is fully automated and state-of-the-art. It only records incoming messages, but if filters and sorts them before transcribing them on these letter cards."

"You know about it."

"Ministry Hidd. has an ATL product line, and we use a similar system. What did the letter said?"

Seth handed him a folded paper from his bag.

" 'Seth, I hope you are doing well! Please forgive me for my behaviour at the Opening and come back',"

"Oh damn Seth what will your decision be?"

"I need to finished my ATL magics before I will go back!"

Professor Satyr came through the yellow house door, straightened his vest. "Good morning, class! Settle in please. We're going to start the year or with a very special and exciting lecture today."

"What do you think under tarp?" Asked Seth, "I just hope it's not another giant flytrap. I swear the one by the door sniffed me on the way in." Joe replied, he shuddered, and Seth laughed to himself before turning back to Professor Satyr. "Today lesson is about one of the most important things an ATL will ever learn... Companion Magic!"

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