Chapter 21- Earth Marbles

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When he paused for air, or maybe dramatic effect, Seth took a good look at his surroundings.

"I know my roommate would have bit more panache in the style department, but being as trendy as me isn't easy. Well? Seth gotta say something."

"I think you... Should relax. Please. Today has been, for lack of a better word, insane. So I could really just use a second." He plopped down on the nearby couch, sinking into the soft cushions. Joe perched himself on the chair across from him silently, though he leaned toward Seth.

"So..." he whispered shyly.

Seth sighed. "You said before that whatever I've heard about you is only 'partially true.' Joe rolled his eyes. "I know you're thinking about me and Minis tiff at Ministry inc.'s annual charity to the awards show."

Joe was absolutely still for a moment, before he finally smiled, though it looked almost painful. "Not At All My family is the only number one purveyor of enchanted objects worldwide, but why would you know that? Besides... This was the whole point! To come to college, have new experiences, fly under the radar. Become the person (I) want to be, you know?"

"Joe... I know exactly how you feel. Honestly, that's the same thing I was hoping to get out of the college experience."

"Joey do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try, nothing fits? Like the things that you think are going to make you happy never do?"

"Absolutely. It's how I felt all the time. Until I arrived here, that is."

"This morning I was at this college I used to think was finally going to be my place in the world, but it very quickly become clear that it wasn't. And then I got here and, yeah, it's a little weird and a little hard to believe, but for the first time... Something finally feels right. And now it's... all going to be taken away."

"Taken away? I don't understand. Why would--" Seth voice trembled as he finally tell him the truth, revealing the secret he have been keeping in since his arrival. "I can't do most of the magic." he said genuinely worried.

"What?" Joe voice startles him, and he lowered his tone to barely more than a whisper. "I can do most but the rest.." he threw his hands up, unable to explained, not even knowing what happened himself.

"And I don't know what to do now. I'm afraid of what will happen if I tell someone, but I know I can't leave." he watched Joe guiltily as Joe stared at him wide-eyed.

"You're... You're not going to, like, erase my memory, or melt my brain, or--"

"I'll help you at the Nate of magic, but let go to macfarlane shop for the marble to your protection now. And let wait for the day Steve will teach you all!"

"Thank you... I mean, seriously, I thought you won't help me, I don't know, light me on fire? Can you guys do that?"

"Well I certainly can, being a Fire-ATL and all. But I won't. Part of the reason I come to college was to meet all different kinds of people! And you, Seth, are quite an interesting kind of person,"

"But have you considered that there may be magic in you? Have you tried any?"

"Well... there was that thing with the door?" Seth protested, feeling something weird in him.

"No, no the doors are enchanted to accept the tenant's genetic code. That wouldn't count." Joey tapped his fingers on a coffee table, his eyes roving the room. When they stopped the conversation for a seconds, he grinned and hopped out of the chair.

"I've got it! Come on, let's go before Macfarlane shop closes."

"Wait, wait," Seth resisted to make any move from his sitting posture. "Where are we going? I thought we couldn't leave campus!" He followed Joey across the room and found himself facing a door with a variety of doorknobs in different shapes and sizes screwed into it.

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