Chapter 6

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I couldnt believe it! I had wanted to spend some alone time with my mate! Was that too much to ask? I stomped into William's office and  slammed open the door.
"What?!" I growled.
Haden was beyond pissed off. He didnt want to leave his mate alone agter what happened.
"Calm down Haden," William said in his alpha voice.
I felt him give me back control.
"We have a lead that some one attacked us surprised. We dont know which pack and why," he said.
"Why would anyone attack us?" i asked sitting down on one of the chairs.
"Dont know but there are many broken families and i want revenge," he said his eyes turning black.
"You dont have to ask me twice," i muttered.
"Me neither," Ian said all playfullness gone.
"But why would anyone attack us? That too with a rogue group?" Ian asked.
"Because they didnt want anyone to identify them," i said.
"Why?" William asked.
"I dunno," Ian and i both shrugged.
"We will have strict securities on the borders then," Willliam sighed.
"Well if you dont need me for anything else i am going to my little wolf," i said the name coming easily.
"How is Reanne by the way?" William asked.
"A bit shaken up but other than that she's fine," i said and paused.
I wondered if i should tell them its my fault for taking everything so lightly. I had just found my mate and look what happened!
"Just spill it out man," Ian said.
"Its my fault for what happened to Reanne. If i had been on my guard none of this would happen," i said curling my hands inti fists.
"Whoa man! Did she say that?" Ian asked shocked.
"No she said that it wasnt my fault," i said with a sigh.
"Dont e too hard on yourself Jay. You are always hard on yourself. Reanne is good for you. Dont let her go," William said.
I nodded and walked up the stairs to my quarters. The pack house was actually a duplex with the Alpha, beta and Delta's quarters separate from the pack. And every bedroom was soundproof. We didnt want to hear anyone having s*x. It gave us peace.
I opened the door to my room and saw my little wolf family gathered around her. My thoughts went back to my own parents. What would it had been like? To have a real family? Would i have gotten attention like her?
"Jay," my little wolf smiled at me shaking me from myy thoughts.
I smiled and walked over. She was just so beautiful! I could never get enough of her! And she was all mine!
"Have you eaten?" i asked looking at the tray of food that i brought.
"Not really," my little wolf said shyly while i frowned.
She needed to eat.
"We will take our leave now beta," her dad said getting up.
I nodded not taking my eyes of my mate. As the door closed behind them i sat on the edge of the bed closest to my little wolf.
"Why didnt you eat? Are you not feeling well?" I asked checking her forehead for a fever.
"I am fine Jay and i wanted you to eat with me," my little wolf said blushing.
I smrked before reaching for the tray and putting it between us.
W were half way finished with the food when my little wolf saod something unexpected and i droped my fork.
"I love you Jay. I understand if you dont want to be with me anymore," she said looking down at her fork.
My heart started beating faster. How could she say that? She was my life! I couldnt stay away from her! Not when i had just found her! Why would she say that?
"Why did you say that?" I asked ignoring Haden's whimpers.
"Because i let another man touch me," her eyes filled up with tears.
"Not willingly little wolf. Not willingly," i said taking both of her hands in mine.
"Why are you so good to me Jay?" she asked her eyes wide with wonder.
"You are my mate Reanne. I will not give you up!" i said looking into her beautiful brown eyes.
My little wolf smiled and her entire face lit up. My heart swelled in pride at my beautiful mate.
"How about we go out today? Just the two of us?" i asked wanting to get my little wolf's mind of her near attack.
"I would like that," my little wolf said smiling.
"Then go get ready," i winked at her.
She laughed and got up.Before she made it to the door i grabbed her hand and turning her around smashed my lips to hers. I kissed her hungrily like there was no tomorrow. I had nearly lost her today and wouldnt take a second chance for her safety.
My little wolf kissed me back and i groaned as her hands fisted themselves in my hair. I could feel the fireworks all over my body and they turned me on.
'Mark our mate now!' Haden demanded.
'Not yet,' i said cutting of the mind link.
We pulled back breathless and i saw my little wolf all flushed up and smirked.
My little wolf gave me a small shy smile and went out of our room.
Our room. I smiled as i thought about that. Finally i could share my quarters with someone i loved to death. My little wolf would give me every happiness. We were indeed made for each other.
I decided to check with William on what he had gathered on the rogues. I wanted them dead. Not prisoners. I cant believe that i just lost my little wolf when i had just met her. I smelt Reanne before i saw her in the living room. By her stance she was tense. I walked over and put my arm around her shoulder.
"Hey whats up little wolf?" i asked gently.
"Alicia didnt come to see if i was ok or not," she said sadly.
I looked towards Alicia and saw her with that Ryan guy on the couch making out.
"You dont need her little wolf. I'll be your best friend," I said smiling at her.
She smiled back at me and kissed my cheek. I ruffled her hair and watched as she walked up to her room.
"Reanne! Are you ok?" her friend Alicia asked.
"fine," my little wolf said without looking at her.
"Whats wrong Reanne?" Alicia asked stopping my little wolf.
"You never came to see if i was all right or not," my little wolf said.
"I promise Reanne! I wanted to but Mike said that Beta Jayden wouldnt let anyone see you!" she exclaimed.
"Mom, dad, Mike and Seth came to see me after Jay allowed them. Even Luna and Delta female came to see me," she said.
"Are you implying that i wasnt a good friend?" she asked.
"Thats exactly what my mate is implying," i said stepping into the conversation.
"How could you Reanne! We are best friends since the crib! Doesnt that count for anything?" she asked.
"Watch it with the tone!" i snapped and she bowed her head.
"Watch how you talk to my mate!" the Ryan guy exclaimed standing up.
"What are you going to do pup?" i asked standing up to my full height.
"I will hit you," he said.
"Try me," i growled.
Ryan took a step forward and i got ready by getting into my fighting stance.
"Jay no!" my little wolf cried grabbing my arm.
The Ryan guy smirked challengingly at me. I got into my fighting stannce and when he made a move i punched him square in the face. He fell to the ground groaning in pain and holding his nose.
"Ryan!" Alicia exclaimed examing his face.
"Never underestimate a BETA!" I growled out ferociously.
"Woah! Whats going on?"  William and Ian came at the scene.
"This guy was disrespecting my mate and i," i growled.
"Reanne take Jay to your headquarters," William ordered.
"Yes Alpha," Reanne bowed her head.
I felt her take my arm and drag me to our room.
"Did you had to hit him?"she asked inspecting my knuckles.
"I want to beat the shit out of him!" I growled.
"Look at me Jay," my little wolf said cupping my face in her hands.
I looked into her beautiful brown eyes and i lost myself in them.
"He is probably leaving today. You shouldnt have gotten into a fight," she said.
"He was disrespecting you!" I growled.
My little wolf pecked my lips and said, "i dont care Jay. He is not going to stay here that i have to worry about him."
"How did i become so lucky?" I asked carassing her face.
"Maybe i got lucky," my little wolf smiled at me.
I watched as my little wolf went to the bathroom and came back later carrying a wet cloth and bandage.
"I dont need bandage!" I exclaimed hurt that she would doubt my healing powers.
"Its better to be on the safe side," she said cleaning my cut.
The look of concentration on her face was so sweet. It made me want to kiss her so badly!
'I love how our mate gives us full attention,' Haden purred.
'And i would do anything for our mate,' i said.
There was a knock on the door before it was opened to reveal William and Ian. I could tell by the smells.
"Did you really had to do that Jay?" William asked.
"Do what?" I asked nonchalantly.
"Hit that Ryan guy?" Ian asked.
"That was highly out of line," William said.
"Out of line?" I scoffed, "He was disrespecting me and my mate even when he knew i was beta!"
"You should have controlled your anger," Ian said.
"You are not my mom and dad to give me lectures," i rolled my eyes.
"We are you best friends and we have a right to give you lectures," William said.
"Fine. If he doesnt come in front of me again then i wont harm him," i finally relented.
"Hows the cut?" Ian asked.
"Its healing already," Reanne said.
"Told you i dont need bandage," i said with  smile.
"I told you its better to be safe," my little wolf said back.
"You landed yourself the right mate Jay," Ian laughed making my little wolf blush.
"Well if you need anything just holler," William said.
After they left i pulled my little wolf up and over my lap. My little wolf blushed and looked down. With my right hand i tilted her chin up so her eyes met mine.
"Never hide any of your beauty from me," i said huskily.
"I love you Jay," my little wolf said.
My heart felt like it would leap out of my chest at her words.
"I love you more little wolf," i kissed my mark and she let out a moan.
I smirked against her skin feeling triumphant that i could get such a response from such a simple touch.
"Get ready for a date," i said nibbling on my little wolf's collar bone.
"D-date?"my little wolf stammered.
I knew without llooking that she was blushing.
"Yeah i am taking you out tonight," i said kissing her nose.
"What do i wear?"my little wolf asked.
"You look beautiful in anything. But of course gorgeous in nothing," i winked at her.
"Jay!"she exclaimed her face beet red.
I laughed anf said, "i like to make you blush. It makes you look cute."
"Doont flatter me,' my little wolf said.
"Its the simple truth," i kissed her passionately.
P.S: So so so so sorryyy for the mistaken update before!!! My cousins had somehow my phone in their hands and when i got it back they had published this unfinished chapter! So can i get 5/10 votes on this chapter?

The Possessive Beta (Book 1) (EDITED AND REVISED)|| WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now