Chapter 1

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The mating ceremony. Where every werewolf dream comes true. No it is not a witch party. It is sort of a ball where all the unmated werewolf females gather around with their packs and find their mates.
Mates is the short form of the word soulmate. Mate is the one person where every female life depends on. In case of the females its the only male werewolf that would do anything for his mate. Even give up his life for her.
Mates are the one person you feel complete with. Like he is your other half. The one that completes you in every sense. Once you have found your mate you cant think of another person but your mate. Your life revovles around your mate.
It wasnt any different for me. I had recently turned 17. Which is the prime age for werewolves to find their mates. I was sitting on my bed in my room thinking about the mating ceremony.
Would i find my mate? Would he accept me? Would he reject me? Rejection is the worst case scenario for any werewolf. Its like basically killing your counterpart since second chance mates are very rare.
Rejection is the case where usually a male werewolf rejects his mate. Either because he's a player, or wants a beautiful mate, or wants a doesnt want a weak mate. But whatever the reason male wereeolves are jerks. The door to my room opened and Alicia came in. We had been best friends since diapers.
"Come on Reanne! We need to go shopping!" Alicia exclaimed jumping on the bed.
"Whoa! Whatever for?" I asked.
"Duh... the mating ceremony," she rolled her eyes.
"Thats not like in for hours! Whats the hurry?" I whined.
"Do you know how long it takes to find the perfect dress?"she asked.
"I have many dresses which i havent worn more than once. Now is the chance," i said turning back to my book which had layed forbidden.
"But i dont have any dresses! Please come with me?" Alicia gave me her best puppy dog expression.
I sighed and put the book back knowing i cant resist her puppy dog expression.
"Fine. Let me get ready," i said.
"Yes!" Alicia squealed.
I shook my head smiling. Knowing eventually i would be getting something from the mall as well. I put on a green shirt with black skirt and pulled my brown hair into its usual ponytail style. I went downstairs and iinto the living room where most of the pack was.
"Reanne are you going somewhere?" Michael asked.
Michael is my older brother. He is 22 and has already found his mate.
"Alicia is dragging me to go shopping!" I pouted.
Cassandra, Mike's mate laughed. She was pregnant with Mike's first child. I couldnt wait to be an aunt!
"If i could i would have gone with you," Cassie said.
"You are not setting a foot out of the pack house!" Mike growled.
"Who said i am? Chill boy," Cassie patted Mile's shoulder.
"You and your possessiveness. I hope i dont get a possessive mate," i muttered.
"Half of us male population is possessive unless he's a jerk," Mike said.
"Lets go to the mall!" Alicia shouted.
"Did you had to do that?" I asked rubbing my ears.
"Maybe i did," Alicia grinned at me.
"Why did i become best friends with you?" I asked as we walked to Alicia's car.
Since 17 is the adult age of us werewolves we already had our liscenses. Well Alicia did. I will get mine soon. We drove to the mall and she parked the car in an empty parking spot.
"Where do you want to go first?" Alicia asked.
"How about Fashion sense?" I asked.
"Good choice," she nodded.
In the end i got the perfect dress. It was a light pink dress that matched perfectly. It had a flare at the bottom and ended just below my knees. It was a sleeveless dress. It was simple yet elegant and thats what i liked. By the time we had finished our shopping i was starving and it was time for lunch.
"Where shopuld we eat?" Alicia asked.
"How about Kung fu?" I asked.
Kung fu is a chinese restaurant.
"Great lets go. These bags are heavy!" Alicia exclaimed.
"Whats the use of being a wolf?" I winked at her.
Our whole town was full of wereeolves. It was the only town that was full of werewolves. And it was also called Wolf Town. Some cliche huh? After having our tummies filled we drove back to the pack house.
"Did you get the whole mall?" Seth my younger brother asked looking at our bags.
"Very funny now help us with these bags," i said handing him a few.
We walked inside to see Cassie eating icecream.
"Having a craving again?" I asked with a smile.
"Tell me about it. I would have gained 15 pounds by the way i have been pigging out on food," Cassie said.
"Hey i need my niece or nephew to be healthy miss," i said wagging my middle finger in her direction.
"You and Mike both," she groaned, "Did you find anything?"
"Yes. Its so perfect! I just hope our mates like it," i said.
"Of course they will. You two are pretty," Cassie said making me blush.
Cassie was beautiful. She had shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. She was the perfect match for my brother. Even Alicia was good-looking. She had auburn hair with black eyes. While me on the other hand. I got boring brown eyes and brown hair that went up to my waist. I love long hair!
I looked at the time and it was already 4pm! Yikes! Time to get ready!
"Well i better get ready if we have to go at 6," i said.
"If you need anything just call," Cassie said.
"Thanks Cassie," i smiled and made my way to my room.
Putting my new dress on the bed i went to the adjoining bathroom and turned on the shower. Putting my vanilla scented shampoo i washed my hair before washing my body with a peech scented body wash. After drying myself clean; i  walked back to the room and put on the undergarments. I pulled my new dress over my head and turned to look at the full length mirror in my room. The door to the room opened and mom came in.
"Hi mom. Do you like this?" I asked twirling around.
"Oh my goodness! You look absolutely beautiful!"mom gushed.
"Thanks mom," i smiled.
"My baby girl's all grown up," she said with tears in her eyes.
"Seth is the baby of the family remember?" I asked teasingly.
Mom laughed as she said, " thats true but you are my only baby girl and look uow grown up you have become!"mom exclaimed.
I laughed as i asked, "when dowe leave?"
"Around 545. You know it gets us at least 20 minutes without traffic to reach Starlight hotel," mom said.
"545? I havent even gotten ready!" I exclaimed.
"Want me to help?"mom asked.
"I think i can manage," i smiled.
Mom left my room shortly after that telling me to hurry up. I dat at my dresse and looked at my straight hair. I decided to curl them at the bottom and leave them loose around my shoulders. I usually wore my hair in a ponytail. But this calls for a special look.
'I am so excited,' Elisa my wolf said.
'We will find our mate now. I cant wait!' I excllaimed.
'We look beautiful,' Elisa said.
I laughed as i said, 'you mean i look beautiful.'
'You me whatever. We are the same person,' Elisa said.
It was true. Even though us werewolves have our own wolves identity we were one and the same thing. You could say two in one. But our wolves have a different identity along with their different names. Even though Alicia is my best friend my bff is my wolf Elisa. We are tuned into each other so well i dont know what i would have done if she wasnt my wolf. I love her!
'I love you too Reanne,' Elisa said.
'Listening to my thoughts?' I asked even as i smiled.
'As always,' she said making me laugh.
I didnt put on any makeup except my pink lip gloss. I wanted my mate to see the real me. Not some girl with lots of makeup on. I put on my pink heel shoes and picked up my black purse. I looked at the clock in my room. It was now 530. Almost ready in time.
I picked up my cell phone and walked downstairs. The one thing of the mating ceremony was that all the boys would leave way before the girls. The girls would be gathered in the ballroom and one by one the males would enter the room and look for their mates. Afterwards there would be a big party in the same room.
I was pretty excited and netvous as well.
I mean i had always waited for my mate. And i had the prove of having my V-card still. I only wanted to be touched by my mate. I only wanted to remember his touch. Comparing my mate's touch to someone else sounded so dirty. I shivered in disgust before getting in the car with mom and dad.
"How are you feeling Reanne?"dad asked.
Like i am on a roller coaster.
"I feeling fine dad. A little excited," i said.
"Reanne your mom and i love you very much. Even Mike, Cassie and Seth," dad said.
I pursed my lips wonndering where this was going.
"If you found your mate is from another pack Reanne we'll still support you," mom said.
"Mom dad i love you," i said getting emotional.
We arrived at the Starlight hotel where already a large crowd was gathered. I started to get nervous. How was i going to find my mate in all of this mess? What if i didnt had a mate? My heart sank at the thought.
'Reanne you are over thinking things. We'll find our mate,' Elisa said.
'How can you be so sure?' I asked buting my lip.
'Reanne take a deep breath and get out there,' she said firmly.
My wolf was right. I needed to get in the hall if i had to find my mate this year. You see the mating ceremony was held once a year. Before the full moon. I smiled at mom and dad and walked with them inside.
The ball room was beautiful. There was a big chandlier in the center with blue lights. The others were white lights. Music was playing. There were so many girls here. I began to feel less and less positive about finding my mate.
All the girls wore makeup and i found myself underdressed and self-conscious. Maybe i should have worn some makeup.
"Pretty big gathering huh?" Alicia asked and i jumped.
"Tell me about it. I am so nervous," i admitted.
"What are you so nervous about? You are way prettier than some of these girls! If i was a lesbian i would be in love with you," Alicia winked.
"EW! Alicia!" I glared at her and she laughed.
"Your mate will love you Reanne," she smiled.
I smiled back. There was an announcement.
"Every unmated female gather in a line please," the announcer said.
I started to get nervous butterflies in my stomach. We started forming two lines since one would be too long. The door of the ball room opened and the first boy came in. He was ok. I just hoped i am not the first one picked out. Luckily i wasnt. As the time past i got more nervous. I hadnt been picked out yet. Alicia had been picked a while back. I could tell she didnt want to leave me but smiled at her assuringly.
Now i wasnt so sure i had a mate. The door opened and my heart fluttered in my chest.
Wait! What?!
'Its him! Its him!' Elisa exclaimed excitedly.
'What do you mean?' I asked not daring to look above.
Before Elisa could answer i heard a deep male voice which had my insides turn to mush. Literally.
P.S: this is the redo (final draft) of the first chapter! I would like you to know if i am copying someone's work or anything of the sort please inform me. I want this work to be an original. Can i get 5/10 votes on this chapter? Most of you wouldnt know what "CRICKET" is but its sport played with a bat and ball very different from baseball. And my country just WON the match series against Zimbabwe at hometown!!!! And i am really excited so i am publishing this chapter for you!!! Enjoy!!! :)

The Possessive Beta (Book 1) (EDITED AND REVISED)|| WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now