chapter 2

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This was the time i had been waiting forever. After 2 years of long wait i would be able to find my mate. Not that i had already found her. Being 2 years older did had its advantages and disadvantages.
One thing i was pleased was that she belonged to my pack. Meaning i didnt had to go through all the heartbreak of my mate leaving her pack. I couldnt handle that. I waited until half of the males had gone inside before making my appearance.
I scanned the crowd for my mate and saw her in a light pink dress with her hair down. She was looking at the ground and i wanted to see her face.
'Mate! Claim Mate now!'my wolf, Haden exclaimed.
Now was the perfect time to claim my mate. I walked over to her and said, "Mate."
She loooked up and her mouth dropped open. My heart sank. Didnt she want me?
"B-beta Jayden?"she asked.
More like stammered. God! She had such a beautiful voice! I wanted to claim her now but refrained myself.
"Yes Reanne," i said watching her reaction.
"How do you know my name?"she asked.
I supposed she was surprised but decided to proceed slowly.
"I know everything about you," i said calmly.
"How?"she asked her eyes still wide. I am the beta of our pack Reanne. Besides i am two years older than you," i said.
"You waited two years for me?"she asked softly.
"I would wait eternity for you Reanne," i said.
"Why didnt you tell me?" Reanne asked.
"I didnt want to freak you out. Besides you were only 15 years old Reanne," i said.
"You waited two years for me," she said her eyes filling with tears.
"Please dont cry," i said not wanted to see my mate cry.
"No one would have waited for me so long and yet here you are," she said almost as if to herself.
"Why do you think that?" I asked softly.
"I am just ordinary. I am not special," she said looking at me.
She wasnt special? Who the hell said that? She was beautiful! Even without any makeup on. Her long brown hair flowed freely around her shoulders making her look like a princess. She was smaller iin height than me by 2 inches. She's my little wolf and i an not giving her up.
"Whoever said that Reanne is blind. You are beautiful and two years wait foesnt even matter. Heck, i fould wait etwrnity for you if i could," i said sincere.
"You are wonderful Jay," she said looking at me astonished.
I chuckled softly as i said, "i Jayden Ethan Willikins accept you Reanne Abby Lawson as my mate."
My little wolf gasped and her eyes filled with tears yet again. I suddenly felt self conscious. Didnt she want me as a mate? Was she going to reject me? Perhaps she knew i wasnt related to my "parents" and that didnts it well with her. Perhaps she liked somebody who was her own age. Perhaps i was too old for her. All these fears kept going through my head.
"I Reanne Abby Lawson accept you Jayden Ethan Willikins as my mate," my little wolf said.
Those were the best words i had ever heard from anyone. I stared into her gorgeous brown eyes and saw myself reflected in them. I leaned forward and lightly touched her lips with mine.
The world disappeared around us and only me and my little wolf mattered. Sparks flew throughout my whole body and my heart felt like it was beating just for my little wolf.
Reanne kissed me back hesitantly and knew i was her first and last kiss. No other male would touch her. Of that i was sure. I wrapped my arms arouund her small waist and drew her closer to me. My little wolf put her arms around my neck. I depened the kiss and asked permission to enter her mouth. She obliged without hesitation and we french-kissed for a while. I pulled away breathless and rested my forehead against my little wolf.
"That...was...amazing," my little wolf said breathless.
I chuckled as i said, "you dont know my wolf is getting crazy for me to mate you."
My little wolf blushed and looked down. I tilted her face back up by placing my hands under her chin.
"You are beautiful Reanne. Dont let anyone tell yoou otherwise," i said gazing at her lovingly.
If possible my little wolf bllushed even more making me laugh. It made me happy that i got such a response from her.
'Our mate is beautiful,' Haden purred.
'I told you we should wait and here is our reward,' i said smugly.
'I want to mate her. There are many unmated males around here. I donnt want anyone to touch whats ours,' Haden said possessively.
'Chill buddy. I am not going to let any male touch what is ours,' i said and cut of the link.
"I dont know if love at first sight exist but i love you Jayden," my little wolf said making my heart soar at the words.
"I love you too little wolf. I would protect you with my life," i gazed into her beautiful brown eyes.
"Little wolf?" Reanned asked confused.
"Yeah. Ifs your nickname," i tweaked her nose and smiled.
"I am not little!"she pouted.
"I am taller than you," i said with a grin.
"I want to be tall," she pouted.
"I am 6ft in height little wolf," i said and her eyes widened again.
"I am only 5'7"!"she exclaimed.
"Doesnt matter little wolf. What matters is that i finally have you," i said.
"I have always waited for you," she said.
My heart swelled with pride at her words. How did i become so lucky to have such an innocent yet beautiful mat?
"How did i become so lucky?" I asked aloud and my little wolf giggles.
That was the most pleasant sound i had ever heard. At that moment Williams and Ian came to us.
"Congratulations buddy," William slapped my shoulder.
"You have got yourself a fine match," Ian said smiling at my little wolf.
I didnt like it and pulled my little wolf closer to me. The feel of our bodies touching was like fireworks exploding.
It was the most amaziing feeling ever.
"Buddy i have got my own mate," Ian raised his hands in surrender probably noticing my reaction.
"One thing you should know; Jay is very possessive," William said.
"Yeah you have no idea how tough these two years has been for us," Ian said.
"I wasnt that bad," i said in defense.
My little wolf chuckled but said, "what do you mean by tthat?"
"Jay was ready to kill anyone who touched you. If you werent 17 this year it would have been total hell," Ian chuckled.
"Thanks a lot guys," i said rolling my eyes.
Great first impression on my mate!
"I think its cute," my little wolf said making us look at her.
"William and Ian started laughing.
"You have already wrapped her around your finger Jay,"Willliam laughed.
"And you say we are possessive," Ian chuckled.
"Some friends you are," i grumbled.
"Dont say anything to my mate," my little wolf said annoyed.
William and Ian stopped laughing and looked at her.
"I see you have got a keeper Jay," William smiled.
"You two are best suited for each other," Ian agreed making my little wolf blush.
"Well we'll see you around," i said wanting some alone time with my mate.
"Sureeee Jay," Ian winked at me while draging the "e".
I shook my head but steered my little wolf away from the crowd. I walked over to a side door that led to a balcony. It was private there and no one would disturb us. I opened the door and motioned for my little wolf to enter first. She smiled at me and i followed after her and shut the door. I gazed at her lovingly. I couldnt imagine my life without her. She was mine! And ONLY MINE!
"What?"my little wolf asked blushing.
"You are so beautiful," i whispered trailing my fingers along her cheek.
I saw her shiver at my touch and smiled.
"Tell me about yourself Reanne," i said wanting to know everything about her from her.
"Well what do you want to know?" Reanne asked.
"Anything," i said as i leaned on the railing facing my little wolf.
"Well my life is pretty boring," she said.
"Doesnt matter i still want to know," i said.
"Well my favorite color is grey and i have two brothers one of whom is going to be a daddy soon," she said with a smile.
I could tell she loved her family.
"How old are your brothers?" I asked.
"Well Mike is 22 and Seth is 14. He is the baby if the family," she said.
"Oh well you are my baby," i winked and got a blush in return.
"Grey is an odd color to be your favorite. Care to explain?" I asked curious.
"Um its the color of your eyes," she said softly looking down.
If i didnt have my enhanced werewolf hearing i wouldnt have heard her. But i heard her just fine and that made my heart beat wildly in my chest. I wasnt letting my mate go without a fight! She was mine and only mine! No other male qould ever have her!
"I know its too early for you but i lovee you Reanne Abby Lawson," i said softly.
We talked for what felt like hours but were only minutes. From what i gathered she liked soft and romantic music (faraway by Nicckelback being her favorite), she hated horror movies with a passion, didnt like shopping much unless necessary(this surprised me), had always waited for her mate( in that case me), and loved fast food.
"Everyone please gather around for dinner and have a pleasant evening. Thank you," the announcer said on the intercom.
"Come on little wolf. I am starved," i said.
"Boys do have a huge appetite," my little wolf said with a smile.
"Hey! I am a growing boy!" I exclaimed.
We walked inside and saw everyone getting food on their plates. Before we could proceed, a pregnant female made her way towards us.
"Hello beta. Reanne we have been looking for you. Mike had been so worried!"ahe exclaimed.
"He's always worrying," Reanne pouted.
She looked so cute pouting.
"Well beta idf you dont mind i am going take Reanne back with me," she said.
I growled and pulled my little wolf closer.
"Reanne isnt going anywhere," i growled feeling Haden fight to take control.
"Uh b-but beta," she stuttered.
"Jayden its ok," my little wolf said.
"Reanne! Thats rude! Its beta Jayden," she said.
"And who are you?" I asked, keeping my anger at bay.
"Cassie Lawson. Mike Lawson' mate," she said.
"Well Cassie let me tell you. Reanne is my mate and you nor anyone else will take her away from me!" I growled.
"Sorry beta! I didnt know! May i take Reanne to her brother? He's getting worried," Cassie said.
"Ok," i nodded.
My little wolf smiled at me before leaving with Cassie. I sighed and made my way to the food stand. I wasnt very hungry now. I looked at all the happy families and sighed again. I wondered if i knew my real parents what type of lifestyle would i have had? Would i have had siblings or not? Would we be closer or not? I guess i qould never find out the answers.
My thoughts turned to my little wolf and i smiled. She was truly my everything. I wouldnt be able to live without her now. Never without her.
P.S: So this is the final draft of the 2nd chapter! Hoped you guys liked it! Can i get 5/10 votes?

The Possessive Beta (Book 1) (EDITED AND REVISED)|| WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now