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I was getting so anxious! It was time for the labor. Would the baby be ok? Would i be ok? What about-
"Stop thinking so much my little wolf," Jay kissed my head.
He was the calm one amongst us in this case.
"How can i not? What if something goes wrong?" I panicked.
"You need to calm down!"he said.
"Now you know how i felt when Cassie was pregnant the first time," Mike chuckled and i glared at him.
We were currently in the pack hospital and waiting for the foctor to get everything ready. Jay's real parents as well as adaptive parents were with us. Jay didnt want to invite Francesca and Sam but i made him do it. He wasnt happy though.
"Mrs. Willikins we are ready," dr Daniels said.
I gripped Jay's hand tightly as we walked inside the clinic. Everything was set up. I cant believe it! I was finally going to be a mom! I had asked the foctor if Jay could come with me and he had agreed.
Now for the final round. I got on the table feeling scared, happy and excited all at once.
"Now when i say push, push. Ok?" Dr. Daniels asked.
I nodded mutely my throat going dry. Jay was currently moving his hand through my hair and that made me calm down a bit.
"Ok push," dr. Daniels said.
I began pushing. By the 6th push i was sweating and breathing hard. I felt like i had just run a marathon. I didnt know how mom or Cassie endured this much pain. After pushing several more times (which had me panting like a dog) i pushed the baby out.
"Its a girl!" Dr. Daniels exclaimed as the baby cried its first cry.
I had been so happy before! I was finally a mom! And to a girl! I couldnt have been more happy! You see Dr. Daniels said that we could check out the sex of the baby when i was in 2nd trimester of pregnancy. But Jay and i wanted to be surprised.
Dr. Daniels cut the umblical cord and handed Jay our beautiful daughter. The door opened and our entire family walked in.
"Is it a boy or a girl?"mom asked excitedly.
"A girl," Jay said smiling at our baby girl.
"Ooooo! A girlllll!!!!" Cassie exclaimed clapping her hands.
"Can i hold her?" Andrea asked.
"Of course," i smiled.
Jay handed our beautiful baby girl to Andrea and i watched smiling as his mom spoke to our baby girl.
"Have you decided on a name yet?"dad asked.
Jay and i looked at each other.
"Well we can start thinking now," Jay said.
"How about Catlin?" Mike asked.
"Nope," Jay and i said together.
"How about Mary?"dad asked.
"I dont want children her age saying Mary had a little lamb all the time," i scowled.
"How about Daisy?"mom asked.
"No!" I exclaimed my eyes wide.
"I know! How about Rosalind?" I asked.
"Rosalind. I like that name," Jay said.
There was an annonymous vote on the name. I smiled as Rosalind was finally handed to me. She was so beautiful!
"Rosalind Kelly Willikins," Jay said proudly.
"Welcome to the world Rosie," i smiled.
P.S: Ahhhh! The end of THE POSSESSIVE BETA! I had tears in my eyes at the end! :( BUT! Can i get 5/10 votes on this last chapter?

The Possessive Beta (Book 1) (EDITED AND REVISED)|| WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now