Chapter 19

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I woke up with a start. My head hurt like hell. I tried to move but found out that i couldnt move! I was tied around a chair. The room was dark and i couldnt see. I panicked inmediately! What about Elisa?
'Elisa can you hear me?' I asked.
'Yes Reanne. Iam fine,' she said.
I breathed a sigh of relieve at that. Thank goodness my wolf was all right! I couldnt bear to think my life without my wolf. I was a werewolf after all.
'Where's Jay?' I asked wanting my mate with me.
'He is not with us. We were kidnapped Reanne,' Elisa said.
That got me more worried. Jay would be so angry! He had told me to stay safe! The door opened slightly allowing some light to flood the room. I blinked rapidly at the sudden illusion.
"Well well well. Welcome Reanne," a familiar voice said.
I frowned. Who could it be? The lights in the room suddenly switched on revealing Alex standing just beside the door with a smirk on his face.
"Alex?" I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Tsk. Tsk. I wouldnt be happy to see me sugar," Alex smirked.
Sugar? How did he knew that my secret admirer called me sugar? Unless... my eyes widened in realization.
"You are my secret admirer! You have been sending all those photos and messages to Jay?" I gasped.
"Very good. You finally got it through your thick head," Alex said.
"What do you want from me?" I demanded.
I was not going to show him i was weak. That would make him feel more powerful.
"What i want from you is very simple," he said.
"What is it?" I asked.
Maybe i had it with me and i could get out of this hellhole.
"I want you to mate with me," he said.
I gasped my eyes wide.
"Are you crazy? Doo you know what you are saying? I am your brother's mate!" I exclaimed.
"He is not my brother!" Alex shouted.
I winced from his loud voice.
"He is your brother!" I exclaimed even knowing he was right.
"He took everything from me so bow i am going to take everything from him. The thing which is more peecious to him than anybody. His mate," he smirked.
"Please dont. What has Jay done to yoi?" I asked in a small voice.
"Oh you are really innocent and sweet Reanne. You know nothing," Alex said coming towards me slowly.
My heart was beating a mile a minute. Jay was so right! And here i thought it was only a misunderstanding! How could i have been so wrong? Tears formed in my eyes and i blinked them away rapidly. I was not going to show him any weakness.
"Dont cry sugar. You are soon going to be mine and we will live happily ever after," he smiled.
"But what about your mate?" I asked.
"Forget about my mate," he growled.
I wasnt so sure about his wolf. Every wolf wants his/her true mate. Poor Alex's wolf! I felt sorry for the guy. Not the human part but the wolf part.
"What about your wolf? Doesnt he want his mate?" I asked wanting to give myself some time.
"My wolf is stupid. And i have waited enough for my mate," he said.
"Couldnt you have gone for some unmates she wolf?" I asked.
"What was the fun in that? Besides i wanted my sweet brother to feel some pain. He has everything so easy in his life," he snarled.
"Not everything is easy and perfect in Jay's life," i said.
"Do not speak his name here," he growled.
"But its true!" I protested.
"My parents love him more than me! He has always been their number one priority! Nobody cares about me!" Alex growled making me flinch.
"Alex your parents love you," i said.
"You are in denial. But once you are absolutely mine everything will be all right," he said.
"Alex please dont. We wont be happy together," i said my heart beating like crazy.
"Why cant i make you happy? Because i am not a beta? Or delta? Or an Alpha?"he growled.
"Alex i didnt not accept Jay because of his beta position. I did it because i love Jay," i said.
"Love? I can give you much more! I can give you an independant better house where its just the two of us and it will be bigger as well. I will give you everything you would want," he said.
"Those are just materialistic things Alex. I dont care about them. I just want my mate. I just want Jay," i said trying hard not to break in front of him.
"Too bad love. I am going to give you one day. That is 24 hrs. After that whether you want or not i am going to mate you."
Having said that Alex left the room closing the door with a slam. I let my tears fall down my cheeks. I only had a day to decide whether i wanted to be with Jay or not. My answer was the same. I loved Jay with my heart and soul. I wasnt going to leave him.
Having come to that decision i decided to get out of this place and back to my mate. I struggled against the chains and felt a searing pain in my arms and legs. It made me realize that the chain was made of silver. Silver is every werewolf weakness. It takes a long time to heal than normal wounds. And if thrown at the heart the werewolf is dead.
"You cannot escape," an unfamiliar cold voice said.
I looked up to see another man with a tray.
"Please let me go," i begged the tears finally escaping.
"Sorry princess. I cant do anything against the boss's order. And i will be the one to feed you," he smirked.
"I can feed myself. Just- just free my hands," i stammered.
"So you can try to escape? No can do," he grinned evily.
By his scent he looked like a rogue. I got another tactic since Elisa was becoming anxious. Thank goodness my heat period was gone! (It was the last day at the picnic. The two weeks period).
"Come on please? I dont even know where i am! How can i try to escape?" I asked doing the puppy dog expression.
Jay always used to say he couldnt say no to my puppy dog look. I shook the thought away and focused on the rogue.
"True that. I dont see what harm is there anyway," he said and i breathed a sigh of relief.
"But," he added and snapped my eyes to his, "if you try to escape the result wont be good."
I nodded my head quickly. He put the tray on the ground and unbound my arms. It felt so good to have some circulation in my arms!
"Remember one wrong move and you are dead," he said.
I nodded quickly.
"Can you tell me the date and time?" I asked.
"Of course princess," he chuckled.
"Its 11pm at night," he said and my eyes widened.
What if i wasnt able to get back to my mate? The thought made me feel ill. I wanted Jay! And only Jay! I felt new flow of tears roll down my cheeks at the thought of never going back to Jay.
'Calm down Reanne. I have faith in our mate,' Elisa said.
'I want our mate Elisa,' i cried.
'He will find us. He wont be sitting down quietly. Then we will be in the arms of our mate,' she said.
My wolf was such a strong person! Thats why she was my BFF!
'What do we do now Elisa?' I asked.
'You just endure it while i come up with a plan,' she said.
I swallowed my tears and ate a little bit of food that i could digest. Jay please find me quick! I need to be in your arms. I need to smell your mouth watering scent again. I need to kiss you. Feel your lips against mine.
When i had finished eating the rogue(who had been there all the time dozing off) got up with a start.
"You done?"he asked gruffly.
I nodded. He was about to tie my arms again when i said, "Wait."
"Now what?"he asked.
"Can i go for a r-walk?" I asked suddenly feeling that i needed to see where i was.
"So you could run away eh? No can do princess," he chuckled.
"Come on. Where will i run? Besides my wolf has been hugging for hours," i added a whine to my voice along with a puppy dog expression.
"Fine i will ask the boss," he said.
I inwardly sighed in relief. A few seconds later the door opened and the devil aka Alex came in himself.
"You want to go for a walk?" Alex asked.
"Yes please. I have been sitting on this chair for so long," i whined.
Maybe if i got on his good side i would be able to device a plan to escape.
"Anything for my princess," Alex smiled and i breathed a sigh of relief.
"But if you try to run sweetheart the consequences wont be good," he whispered against my ear.
I shivered knowing he would stay true to his word.
"Come on sugar. Transform into your wolf," he said.
"But w-what about my c-clothes?" I stammered.
"Not to worry sugar. After all we are going to be mates," he said with an evil smile.
I shivered at that. Be Allex's mate? Never! However i didnt voice my opinion out loud knowing it would only get me into trouble. I needed to play very smoothly. I transform into my brown wolf form shredding my clothes in the process.
"So beautiful and soon to be mine," he said.
Elisa shivered in disgust at his voice.
"Come on then princess. Out we go," he said.
I couldnt wait to be out in the open! Maybe it would give me some whereabouts to where i was being held by this psychopath. I just hoped Jay found me soon. Otherwise i wont be able to cope. I miss you Jay. And i love you. Always.
P.S: Soooo.... a bit emotional at the end eh? Can i get 5+ votes for this chapter?

The Possessive Beta (Book 1) (EDITED AND REVISED)|| WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now