Chapter 20

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(Farword to one month)
One month. One whole month. 30 whole days and nights away from my mate. I was close to becoming insane without my
little wolf. I couldnt eat. I couldnt sleep. I couldnt concentrate on anything other than my precious little wolf. Haden was another story.
He hadnt spoken to me in days. Even though i could feel his anxiety and distress he wouldnt talk to me. A knock sounded on my door making me growl.
"Its me buddy and i have finally got a lead," William said softly.
My head snapped up at that. I got up from my spot on the bed and unlocked my door letting William in.
"What have you done man?" William asked.
"What is the lead?" I asked tiredly.
"I have got two news actually. One is that Riley is pregnant. Second is that we have located a cabin deep into the forest where we belief Reanne is,"he said.
"Then lets go," i said putting the picture of Reanne in my back pocket.
'Mate! Mate! Mate!' Haden growled
'So you finally decided to speak,' i scoffed.
'Shut up and find mate,' he growled.
With our best warriors along with William and Ian we made our way deeper into the forest. Sure enough there was a misused cabin with a small fence surrounding it.
"Jay could you connect to Reanne?" William asked.
My heart thumped in my chest at the sound of her name.
"I will try," i nodded.
"Reanne? Reanne baby its me. Jay," i said hoping our mate link would still work.
I got nothing for a few seconds and that hurt a lot.
"J-jay? Is that really you?"
My heart soared in my chest. Her voice was so broken it broke my heart.
"Yes little wolf it is me. Where are you?" I asked.
"A cabin which looks like it has been unused," my little wolf said.
"Dont worry little wolf. I am coming," i said and cut of the connection.
"This is the place," i confirmed.
"Lets attack and get our beta female back," William said.
Everyone cheered their consent. I am coming Reanne.
I changed into my wolf form and barged through the front door with William next to me and Ian behind me. Rogues tried to stop us but they were no match. Our training did us good.
"Go find Reanne," William ordered through our pack link.
I didnt need to be told twice. I broke every door until i got to the last door. My mate's scent was strongest there with another male scent. I growled loudly and broke through.
Only to find my little wolf tied to a chair with Alex trailing his hands down her body.
"Well well well. So you finally came big bro," Alex smirked.
I growled at him. How dare he touch my mate!
"What i cant touch her?"he smirked trailing his hand on her cheek.
That was the last straw. I growled and attacked Alex. I didnt care that he was my brother (which he wasnt in truth) and slammed him against a wall. Alex changed into his wolf and attacked me in defence.
This went on for a while until i bit him hard on his leg making him fall to the ground in deep pain. I changed into my human form and rushed to my little wolf who looked like she had been starved.  I untied my little wolf and shook her hard.
"Wake up my little wolf!" I exclaimed
My little wolf opened her eyes and when she saw me she launched herself in my arms and i tightened my arms around her inhaling her sweet scent. Seconds later the door opened and by the scents i knew it was William and Ian.
"Reanne are you ok?" William asked.
Reanne only nodded as her face was hidden in my chest. She was only in a robe and that angered me.
"Whats he doing here?" Ian asked probably looking at Alex who was still unconcsious.
"Take him and keep him in the cells. He was behind all this," i growled.
William and Ian gasped. I knew no one suspected Alex but i did and when everyone ruled him out who was i to stand against the entire pack?
"Come on Reanne. Lets get out of here," i said moving my hand through her soft hair.
"We are going back?"my little wolf asked in a soft whisper.
"Yes my little wolf. I promise i wont let anything happen to you," i said.
My little wolf nodded and we finally made our way out of the cabin and to our pack house(after giving Reanne a shirt of course).
Once we reached our pack house my little wolf's mom and dad ran out followed by her brothers and sister in law.
"Oh my baby!"her mom exclaimed tears falling down her cheeks.
"I am fine mom," my little wolf said snuggling closer to me.
"Who was behind this?"her dad asked.(more like growled)
"My stupid brother Alex. I have him shifted to the cells for interrogation," i said.
There was a gasp and i looked up to see my adaptive parents standing behind my little wolf's brothers.
"Yoou have got it wrong Jay. Alex can never do this," mom said.
"You dont believe it? Then you will have to witness the interrogations after i settle in my mate," i said.
Having said that i picked up my little wolf in my arms bridal style and walked to our room. After the chaos everything was in order and i had even repainted the wall. Our room was now clean like soap. (Eh not the best example but anyways).
I layed my mate in our bed and pulled the comforter over her. I was about to leave when her hand grabbed mine. I turned around and saw her looking at me. She was in more bad shape than me.
Her hair were in disarray and her cheek bones had shrunken. She looked like a dead person.
"Where are you going?"she asked her voice dry.
"To interrogate Alex," i said.
"Can i come? Please?"my little wolf asked.
"No my little wolf. You should rest and heal. I will send someone up with food," i said.
"What about you? You look even worse than me," she said making me smile.
"Then we will both eat once we get back ok?" I smiled.
My little wolf nodded and gave me a small smile. I smiled back and walked out of the room. Time for investigations. I went down to the cells followed by William, Ian and Alex's parents. I had mindlinked Reanne's mother to stay with her until i return.
"All right Alex. Spill," I said putting my arms across my chest.
Alex glared at me and looked away.
"Let me ask. Alex are you going to tell us the easy way or do i have to go the hard way?" William asked in his Alpha voice.
No one could resist his Alpha voice. Heck not even me!
"What do you want to know?"he growled.
"Watch how you speak to me," William snarled.
I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
"Why you went after Reanne," William asked.
"Because he is always lucky," Alex growled looking at me hatefully.
"Me?" I frowned.
"Yes you! Everyone loves you but not me!"he growled.
Our parents gasped.
"Thats not true Alex! We love you both equally," mom said.
"Bullshit,"he snarled.
"Why do you think they dont love you?" Ian asked.
"Because i am not the beta!" Alex exclaimed throwing me a hateful look.
"Thats not true!"mom gasped.
"You are own son! How can we not love you?"dad asked.
"Because i dont position in this pack!"he exclaimed.
"You think because i am the beta of this pack everything is easy for me?" I frowned.
"Yes!"he said.
"You really are blind Alex," Ian said.
"We love you both equally Alex," dad said.
"Thats a lie!"he shouted.
"How can you think that Alex?"mom asked tearfully.
Even if she wasnt my biological mom she had looked after me throughout my childhood. I dont think i can see her so tearful.
"Because if you loved me you would have never send me away," Alex growled.
"Jealousy is never the answer to anything Alex," William said.
"What do you think we should do?" William asked through the mind link.
"I dont know but i dont think he is good for the pack," i said.
"I agree,"  Ian said.
"Ok," William said.
"As per my decision you Alex Willikins are banished from Wolf Town. If anyone of my pack sees you around; the punishment will be much worse and fatal," William said.
Mom started crying while dad consoled her.
"I knew that is what you all wanted. For me to get out," Alex snarled.
"Lets go," William said.
As we made our way out of the cells i said, "I do feel sorry for the guy."
"Me too. I never thought he was filled with so  much jealousy," Ian said.
"Jay we never once thought he felt left out," dad said looking at me.
"I know dad," i sighed.
"How is Reanne doing?" Ian asked.
"Good but still shaken up. I have left her mom with her," i said.
"I will send Riley and Pamela with food. That girl needs to eat," William said.
"And so do you," Ian chuckled.
William slapped him playfully on the shoulder.
"Thanks guys," i said sincerely.
"What are best friends for?" William winked at me.
I smiled and made my way back to my little wolf.
"Come on Reanne. You have to eat," her mom said.
"I am not hungry mom. Seriously,"  my little wolf said.
"You have to eat," i said interrupting their conversation.
"Beta she is not eating even a bite! And she looks a thin brick!"her mom exclaimed.
"If you would leave the two of us alone Mrs. Lawson," i said.
"Of course beta," her mom got up and left after kissing my little wolf forehead.
"Why arent you eating?" I asked softly sitting beside her.
"I want you to eat with me Jay," she said.
I gazed into her beautiful brown eyes until i saw a scar near her right eye. My eyes darkened and i gently traced the small scar.
"What happened?" I asked wanting to rip Alex's throat.
My little wolf looked down and a small tear escaped her eye.
"Sh little wolf. Everything will be all right," i said soothingly.
"When i wouldnt agree to his demands he would p-put a s-silver knife a-against my s-skin," my little wolf stammered.
I growled lowly putting the food tray aside and enveloping my little wolf in a bear hug.
"Alex has been banished from Wolf Town my little wolf. He wont ever come here again," i said rubbing her smooth hair.
"He is banished?"she asked.
"Yes little wolf. We interrogated him and found out he was naturally jealoused of me and William banished him," i said looking into her eyes.
"But why?"my little wolf frowned.
"Because of what he did to you," i said.
My little wolf was silent for a while before she said, "Jay please get those touches off me."
"Are you sure you ready little wolf?" I asked.
"Yes big teddy," my little wolf smiled at me.
"I have missed that name," i said.
My little wolf smiled.
"I missed you too big teddy," she said.
I smiled and leaned towards her capturing her lips with my own in a fierce way.
P.S: So how did you like this chapter? Can i get 5/10 votes for this?

The Possessive Beta (Book 1) (EDITED AND REVISED)|| WATTYS2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora